Thanks for all the scovie spam Elly! I can't believe I've had zero alerts I even missed the ducklings!!! :hit. They are gorgeous btw! Abit quiet over here, its the 23rd and I'm fast loosing hope of finding an egg before the 26th. I got so excited this morning thinking I found the makings of a nest... turns out it was just the drake :he. But anyway heres some more ducky spam
Donald... he's lucky hes cute
Blue pied. Color isnt smooth and even like lavender
Yeah over here our colours are slightly different, straight colours aren't common so everything is pied. But yes agreed she now looks blue. Some feathers on her back are going browny blue. Have you seen ducks do this before? This is her 4th shade/colour change. She was white.
Hello Cluck Juggler; this is Sheeba [after our cat but since Sheba refers to a male or masculine, I spelled her name with 2 e's :) ] Anyway, I came across your rooster my accident and look how much he looks like mine or mine looks like yours? Hahaha, I couldn't believe my eyes since mine is a mix and I thought there's no other one out there like him. He had a twin brother but we lost him, sadly. Thanks, just thought I'd say something to you about them. :)
Hello Cluck Juggler; this is Sheeba [after our cat but since Sheba refers to a male or masculine, I spelled her name with 2 e's :) ] Anyway, I came across your rooster my accident and look how much he looks like mine or mine looks like yours? Hahaha, I couldn't believe my eyes since mine is a mix and I thought there's no other one out there like him. He had a twin brother but we lost him, sadly. Thanks, just thought I'd say something to you about them. :)

Sheeba's gorgeous! :love
And another one!!! Someone else also messaged me with a Blackie(my roo)-look alike, a silkie mix. You can see him here:
We should start a club, handsome black-and-cream colored mix-roosters :D

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