Make my day! What is the funniest chicken story you have?

We have this particular EE hen that has rightly earned the name Mischief. She is always getting into stuff, and doing things she should not be doing. My favorite story on this hen was one day when we were feeding out. My friend's daughter (about 7 or 8 at the time) opened a bag of laying mash, and about wet herself, because Mischief was in the bag. It was hilarious!
The other day I was feeding chickens, and was in the barn. The chickens were going to bed, and several were over my head. I felt something hit my head, and looked up to see the wrong end of our cockeral, Freckles. I was sure he had just pooped in my hair, fortunately he had just knocked down a piece of bedding or something. Maybe that was a warning?
Here are a couple for you:

Originally posted 11/21/08
It's going to be very cold tonight, so Steven and I went outside to get the four "tree" hens out of the tree and into the coop. We got Butterscotch, FuzzyButt, and Buffy with no trouble but Woo started going up higher into the tree. Steven came up with the bright idea to stand on the picnic table with a long metal rake and try and push her down the limb closer to us. It didn't work and she started squawking and making all kinds of noise and Nugget who was on the duck pen fence started growling. We really didn't pay much attention since he isn't the violent type of roo. I'm sorry did I say "isn't" I think I meant "wasn't"?

Steven gave up with the rake idea and started climbing the tree and went up on the limb above Woo, about 15 feet up or so. She looked up and saw him and I guess she figured he was a big chicken hawk come to have Woo for dessert! She started flapping and screaming at the top of her lungs so first LaRoo the Bantam roo flew up into the tree to help Woo, then Nugget saw what was happening and at first I think he thought she was screaming about LaRoo. He jumped up onto one of the lower limbs and started for LaRoo, growling and clucking but then noticed Woo was focused on the big Chicken Hawk (Steven) above her! So he started after Steven, who was literally out on a limb, and you could tell he was in full Defender Roo mode.

I was hollering at Steven to get the heck out of the tree and away from Woo or Nugget was going to hurt him. The Nugget finally landed on the limb Steven was on, but behind him so he couldn't shimmy down the limb. I jumped up on the picnic table and started waving the rake at Nugget to distract him but couldn't reach him. So brilliant me put the swimming pool ladder on top of the picnic table so I could reach Nugget. Steven was kicking and hollering and trying to convince Nugget he wasn't a predator,,, yeah, that worked.

While waving the rake at Nugget I hit Woo, who fell out of the tree, I wasn't real worried about Woo anymore and had decided she could freeze for all I cared! I was more worried about Steven.

Nugget noticed Woo on the ground and then decided he might get a little action if he could catch her! So he dives out of the tree toward Woo, who went into self-preservation mode and tried to fly back up into the tree and used me for a ladder. I had Woo on my back, Nugget on my head and I was on top of the ladder, on top of the picnic table, leaning on a rake while holding a limb trying not to fall. Nugget was flapping around, not really trying to flog me, but that was the effect it was having, he shredded the hoodie I was wearing! Thank heavens for that hoodie or I would have been shredded. Steven was in the tree laughing at me while also afraid of me falling and he was trying to reach down to help me hang on so I wouldn't fall and get hurt. Woo fell back down, landed in the duck pen, Nugget jumped off me, landed on the duck pen fence, Steven jumped out of the tree and landed in the duck pen with Woo, grabbed her, shoved her into the coop then came to help me.

I finally got off the ladder, off the picnic table then promptly turned around, tripped over my son, and fell into the freezing cold, nasty, duck pool.

I quit, I'm giving up on birds and moving to a bird free city where I don't have to worry about stupid tree hens, horny roosters, and teenage sons.

Originally posted 10/03/08

There was an unusual amount of noise in my yard early this morning, so I went out to see what the issue was. Blue Rooster was in the middle of the front yard having a "stare-down" with a skunk! He had his feathers all ruffled and was doing the "Rooster dance" at the skunk.
I went back in to get my pistol and when I came back out Blue still had him at bay.

As I walked down my steps, it was 51 degrees,,, I was in bare feet and my nightie,,, and not a happy camper. I was trying to decide how to either scare off or shoot the skunk if he went for Blue before I could intervene. I never got a chance.

Suddenly Nugget woke up. BIG Nugget,, the dinosaur of roosters, had been disturbed. Nugget does not like to be disturbed while asleep I should mention.

Nugget stood up on the chain link fence, cocked his head and looked at Mr. Skunk. Then he jumped off the fence and walked into the yard behind Blue Rooster. Blue was concentrating on Mr. Skunk and didn't see Nugget. Nugget stopped right behind Blue, shook out his feathers and suddenly all the hackles on his neck stood up, his wings fluffed up, and he let out a sound something like a Velociraptor might have made, it scared me too! Mr. Skunk turned and ran and Blue,,,, welllll,,, Blue fainted. I'd never seen a chicken faint before but he hit the ground like a ton of blue bricks. It only lasted 10 seconds maybe and he popped back up, but I wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, or what.
Mr. Skunk ran across the road and sprayed the neighbors two dogs. Nugget unfluffed and walked back to the fence, jumped up and went back to sleep. I would not want to be Blue Rooster in the yard this morning, I'll bet he's humiliated.

Never wake up Nugget!
One day not long after Stan the silver-laced wyandotte roo discovered sex, and his sister Peggy began to lay, she insisted on using one of the nest boxes in his personal compartment in the coop.

Stan usually patrols the outside of the coop and pen, and roosts at night in separate quarters in the coop so he and the girls don't annoy one another. However, on below freezing days, Stan often refuses to come out of his personal compartment, choosing to spend the day in where it's warm. So it was that Stan was occupying his compartment when Peggy decided she needed to lay her egg in her favorite box located on Stan's side of the coop.

So I let Peggy in with Stan, ready to referee if needed. Naturally, Stan attempted a quickie, but his human wouldn't let him, and Peggy hopped, unmolested into a nest box.

Stan followed, and instead of resuming his amorous advances, proceeded to fluff up her nest for her. Then he settled in beside her in the now fluffy pine shavings, and what a cozy little couple they made!

Well, after a few minutes of this impressive togetherness, Peggy decided she'd had enough and she needed some privacy to get the job done. Turning her back on her attentive nest mate, she hopped into the adjacent nest box and quickly laid her egg. I opened the sliding door to the compartment, and out Peggy jumped, leaving a bewildered Stan to his solitude.

I swear, every day there's some form of entertainment going on in that place.
When My girls started to "ripen" I was getting so very excited, I knew it was gonna happen anytime. Over the 4th of July I wanted to stay home to protect the girls from what=ever... I got outvoted, so we put the girls up early to avoid any problems. The morning of the 5th I let the girls out. I did what I always do... peek around the corner to check for eggs and WALAAA. The was the most beautiful first egg I ever did see. I screamed... hit my head on the coop... scared the girls almost to death... the chicka's were flying hither and tither... I sucked up a feather and started I was coughing out the feather as I was thanking my little darlings. I didn't know which one had gifted me so as I called my mom two states over (cause no one else was home @ the time) I picked each of the ladies up one by one. Well the cell phone started to fall and I couldn't drop my little lady... AND YES the phone went into a plop of poop. By this time Mom and I were in hysterics with laughing tears and all.
What a special memory, as mom is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. She did remember when I was a kid and my job was to collect the eggs, what joy that brought for us both
Thank you for letting me share.
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I wish the photo had turned out...
Peeked out the window to see the lovely Madison ( Sliver gray dorking) perched on the back of my nubian doe Spring, who was happily snacking on the treats I'd given them. She stayed there for almost 10 minutes before Spring went for a walk.
When I got my first batch of city chickens, I had 2 roommates, we lived in a little 3 bedroom house with a pretty big yard. I'd let the chickens out to free range in the yard a few times a day. One of the hens, Flo, was particularly fond of coming into the house whenever she could, through any door or even window we left open. It was kind of cute except for the occasional poop on the kitchen floor. When the hens reached 6 months, I kept complaining to my roommates about not getting any eggs yet, we couldn't wait for fresh eggs. One morning, I opened up my bureau drawer (which I am sometimes too lazy to close all the way) to get some clothes, and I found an egg in there! I thought my roommates played a trick on me, I went out to the breakfast table and said, okay, very funny guys, how long has this egg been in my drawer? I knew from their blank stare that my roommates weren't the ones who had played the trick on me, it was my house-loving hen, Flo!
One incident that happened over a period of time always made me laugh...we had a rooster, that whenever we had a bug for him, we would sing out "buggy,buggy,buggy!!" and he would practically dance for it.(Other chickens liked them too but not as much as this guy!) However, the neighbors looked at me like "I" was the buggy one,lol.
Too bad we don't have videos of these all. What a great tv show that would make! Everyone watching would have tears is their eyes and sore sides from laughing.

Thanks for sharing.

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