May trade for a new horse thoughts please?


9 Years
Apr 4, 2010
This is a gelding....she thinks qh or a qh mix. I thought looked like some TB. Maybe qh/tb or qh/mustang? Owner says the vet said he is about 14ish. Will trade for a cow I have. I want a horse I can ride. Owner says she trust him with kids.

Owner said they would ride first.....not touch the horse till I get there. So we can see how he act at his worst which is a little hyper coming out of the pen.

May go look tomorrow.


With that head, he looks like a quarab.
I would go as scheduled, see how he is to be caught/groomed/standing tied/saddled....have them ride first, then IF you can have a horse friend, knowledeable in horses and riding try him before you....
Ask for vet records, coggins or vaccination records. You need to KNOW what you want the horse to he calm, will he go out riding by himself, how is he around farm equipment, tractors and such moving around.
A friend of mine got a great horse, wonderful lesson horse...He is scared to death oh combines and big farm equipment/loud noises in the distance...10 yrs old...
Do not make a decision that day schedule a follow up visit...go out and get him alone, tack him up, with them around ride him again..
Look for sweat marks, dull eyes, white paste residue on his mouth...signs of a calming agent, or being worked heavily to tire him out... check his feet... listen for creaks and pops in his joints moving stiffly, a sign of arthritis...
Hope this helps
check the soles of his feet too, make sure to pick them up . they should be clean and symmetrical looking... i only say this because that's how i ended up with a pair of foundered ponies. didn't check the feet.
Don't know if there's any truth to this or not, but I've been told w/geldings, look to see how relaxed they are. If they're too relaxed, it will all hang out, and can be the result of being drugged.
Take a horse friend

Also show up about 15-20 minutes early, helps to catch druggers in the act or before, play dumb "Oh, I didn't realize you were so close ..."

Also check genitalia for lumps and melanomas

Ask why she wants to get rid of the horse
There are so many different health problems you can look for - but it's a lot better to pay a good equine vet to look at the horse. Sounds silly for a horse that isn't very expensive, but since keeping a horse is expensive, and getting an unhealthy horse that's hard to resell or use for anything is a problem, a vet check is a good idea.

Most people focus on checking a horse's legs and feet, but breathing, vision, heart should be checked, too. They are not always easy for non-vets to evaluate.

It's important, as someone said, to be sure the horse did not have/does not have founder (fever in the feet). Founder can permanently damage the feet and cause a lot of pain, some horses even need to be put to sleep as the pain can be severe. It's hard to identify founder unless you're familiar with the shape and appearance of a normal hoof. Foundered hooves tend to have rough, ringed, deformed hooves(but rings need not always be seen). The toes may turn and point upward or the hoof may look long, twisted. Founder doen't aways have visible signs on the hoof, but it usually does.

Another problem is lameness. Quite a few horses have arthritis at various points on their legs. This is a common cause of lameness. As he trots, a lame horse bobs his head, or hitches up one hip or hock higher than the other. He may stumble a lot (though there are other causes of stumbling). When it's not too bad, the horse might 'work out of it'. Some folks don't mind a little bit of arthritis in a family horse used for light riding.
Owner said they would ride first. I heard about showing up early before I will do that. She said he acts his worst coming out of the pen kinda hyper....probably excited.....she wants whoever looks at him too see that. The owner also said she is not just gonna give him to whoever so I think she cares and does not just wanna dump him on someone. Owner said she had not rode him in over a
Owner said they would ride first. I heard about showing up early before I will do that. She said he acts his worst coming out of the pen kinda hyper....probably excited.....she wants whoever looks at him too see that. The owner also said she is not just gonna give him to whoever so I think she cares and does not just wanna dump him on someone. Owner said she had not rode him in over a year and got on him recently with no issues. Owner say they don't ride no more and wants him to be used and have a longterm home. It is a bit over an hour from me I don't think I can get anyone to go with me.

qh/arab I thought the arab but changed it too mustang....but arab make more sense on the hyper part coming out of the pen. I have a 2 year old purebred arab filly and I know how they can act real well but I can't ride her yet and she is lonely.
looks like one of the old "foundation" QH types, deep girth, big hindquarters, feet well under himself and wide chest. Mustangs are much more coarse in texture and type, more gangly sometimes. His head looks Arabian as well. Pictures are somewhat grainy and don't givve alot of details.

Get a good vet and use your best judegement on him.
Really.... if you have to pay for a trainer's time.. bring some one with you.. and don't bring your horse trailer the first time... go home and think about it..
Getting the horse is the cheap part... dealing with issues, name it.

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