Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Bumble foot just sometimes happens (they are running around barefoot all the time). It doesn't mean that the owner is neglectful. The fact that she dealt with it is commendable. I'd be more concerned about the person that doesn't attend their animals medical needs rather than the ones that do.

Agreed! We know Peep cares for her animals a great deal, and treats them well.
Good news and bad news.
I have plates, cups, napkins, plastic ware and the donation jars from the last Chicken Stock. I also have the sign in book from years past. These items I obtained from Opa and Granny a few days ago.

I will bring them to Chicken Stock. If I am able.

That brings about the bad news...
So I need a backup plan. The stuff I have for CS needs to get to the event. Is there someone local who can take these things to the event in case I am not free to do so?

Sure wish you could move, this harassment is more then I could handle.
looks like you got some one to take the items for CS, That is good, were you bringing bird house kits(if you are able to come)?
He is lots of fun and yes it does wear me out. I am usually ready to crash by 9 pm.
I LOVE his cheeks, such a cutie

Congrats, chickflick on the new grand baby,

I just don't understand why HALF of my Broodies are doing such an awful job of things!!
never new any one to have such bad luck with broodies! I have 4 right now one old sussex hatched 4, on the 3rd, she is doing very well 6yrs old and the first time she has gone broody,

Hello everyone. I know I'm not on here much but I have a question I'm hoping some of you experienced people can help me with. I have 2 new baby hens that are about a month old. When I got them the feed store by my house said we could introduce them to the rest of the flock in about 8 weeks or when they are the same size as the others. We already have an outdoor pen for them so they can see each other. And also someone has already suggested to me to introduce them at night. Any other thoughts of suggestions? Also, one of my concerns is the feed. How can I still feed the young ones their starter food and the older ones their laying food? Can I mix it together with the laying feed for all of them or is that bad for the youngins? Any suggestions would help greatly. Thanks!
think you already go the answer, but I would free range them together first for a while that way you can watch how they do together and the littles can easily run away
CS just a few weeks away, for those coming for the first time don't forget to bring an item for the raffle table. If you bring an item you sign a piece of paper and those names are put into a basket , as the names are called you come up and pick something off the table. a good way to see who is who
I'm north of town out by Just in time campground :) very nice people I've dealt with them on horses but I'm sure there chickens are just as nice. :)
I have 3 ducklings from Holderread's available. Silver Appleyards and Saxony. They are due to arrive tomorrow or Wednesday. We ordered 10 but cant keep that many. Must be willing to pick up in the Grand Rapids area.
Hello Michiganders!

I had 4 Pekin ducklings hatch last night, and I have 2 still left in the bator.  I'm feeding gro gel and organic duckling food to make sure they have all their vitamins! These babies are available to a good Michigan home. I would like to keep them for 1 week to make sure they are strong and healthy, and to give them a good start. 

If you would be interested in one or 2 or more of these ducklings, please let me know.  

I also have 3 babies from my first hatch that consists of 1 Chinese/Toulouse goose mix, 1 Pekin duck mix, and 1 Embden goose. They are 5 weeks old and we love them to bits. Great with children, eat out of your hand and I ordered diapers for them as they want to hang out in the house. We aren't keeping any of them, but I don't want to return them to the farm we got them from as they will be slaughtered in the Spring. So, I'm looking for a good forever home for my 3 special babies, and the newborn ducklings are also available.

I'm hoping to find a loving home for my first 3 near White Lake, MI. We would like to come visit and bring treats! I would even bring a bag of organic duck food once in a while. I would like to keep them until July, but then I need to find them a home. 

If you or anyone you know would be interested in them as pets, egg layers what not, please let me know :)

White lake is almost the next city over! I will have to see if I can get more animals lol. But I have ways wanted ducks!

Just did bumble foot surgery. Need to no another tomorrow. I swear, my chickens are always sick! :(

Have you tried red cote? Cured one hen after she had got it twice. Last time i had a bout of it i treated aggressively and sprayed all the bird's legs thouroughly with it. Affected girls were wrapped with the sugar iodine salve a few times (every 2-3 days again. Then also wrapped, kept wraps on for a month or more re-spraying and wrapping every few days. Wooden perches sprayed thouroughly as well ( kills leg mites, too) It has been months since i have seen another case!!! Since it was a hard winter around that time they got a crd flare up, so they got tetracycline in the water for whatever the recommended time was. All together it worked!

I believe keeping the feet and perches sterile for a bit even after the symptoms pass is key, along with antibiotic support to eliminate it from their system.

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