Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Chickens were all huddled close together for the night. No pecking order issues when they are all sharing their body heat.
I'm going to have to make a ramp so that my old dog can get on the bed again. I could use the extra warmth.
I didn't have any frost at my house but I'm a little bit elevated here. There were lots of frosted areas on my way in to work this morning. Supposed to be the same tonight.

Chicken behaviour is so fun to watch. The chanty cockerel is about 20-22 weeks and feeling frisky. The older rooster has had to put him in his place a time or two. But tonight, my BSL hen went off on him. Not only did she chase him down, she bit him on the neck and mounted him. I have seen hens mounts other hens but never a roo. It was the funniest thing to see.
Raz sorry to hear about the infection. Having that on,in, your bones for another month can't be good.
frost hit my zinnias, bit the top flowers but lots more should still bloom :) no frost last night.
Trying to get some neglected shrub borders cleaned up, and I'm inside for a break.
Free for the digging; several varieties of lilacs, single white rugose roses, and a heritage perfume rose that blooms once each year.
And still a few pullets for sale, and maybe some Belgian d'Uccles.
Bone infection serious and scary.
Happened to my brother after partial knee replacement,
he didn't take it easy and heal before overdoing it.
I saw the surgeon on Friday. He didn't seem all that worried. I think I'm getting mixed messages from that department. I'll call my PCP tomorrow since I'm out of antibiotics. See if I need another prescription or what. Wednesday, I see the local cardiologist for a follow-up to the last hospital campout.

In the meantime, I'm taking it easy. The guys at work are doing the heavy lifting for me. I mean that literally. I haven't picked up any sacks of dogfood, cat litter, flour, sugar, or any other heavy and bulky things. At home is a bit different. I have to figure out workarounds for animal feed, litter, and other heavy items. But I managed it 2 years ago when my arm was in a cast & sling for nearly 4 months. I'll manage it this time too.

BTW, I start cardiac rehab on October 1.

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