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Well morning all, thought I would drop in and tell you all that despite the 9 or 10 inches we got yesterday morning I am OK. I am having a very hard time moving so something tells me that more is on the way this week.

Wish we would of had the rain, man it is cold out there.

Steve and Opa, you guys just thought that you wanted chickens and your women didn't. We are really good at letting you guys think it was your idea. If ya think back far enough you were both brain washed into thinking it was your idea. We are born with that gift don't even have to think about it to use it. Sorry guys LOL

Stay warm and dry. Great pics for the chicks and the turkeys and the two girls with the chickens are just too cute.
I have turkeys in my yard several times a day from December util the 2nd week of April. Then they disappear. They must know that turkey season opens the 3rd week of April. Throughout the summer we will have hens with their broods come through but nothing like in winter. Sometimes we have upwards of fifty in the yard at one time. They will come up within 2' of the house. I enjoy watching them but once the snow is gone my dog finds all kinds of wonderful things to roll in.
Sarah, as you travel south on Chilson my house is just before the old red farm house on the right. My back yard is probably the opening that the people in the church are talking about. Stop by anytime.
Which one of your family members was the roofer. I used him to roof the house across the road from your grandparents.
Good morning everyone. Got a late or early start, depending on how you look at it. DD had to be at school @ 4am this morning. 3am came awfully early. At least I fell back asleep at 6. We got 8'' of snow the other day. Glad you guys only rain. Boy would that be nice. I don't remember if it was Crystal or Mom2emall, but they were talking about cheese from Wisconsin. That's only 20 minutes from where I live!! Kind of weird. We only buy cheese from local cheesehouses - have 2 in the area. It is sooo much better then an store. Have a good day!!
I feel bad for all of you up north still dealing with the snow. I don't seem to mind the cold so much when there isn't the snow to deal with.

I took DD-Abbie to donate her hair today, pics are Here
Heading out to clean the coops.

Enjoy that sunshine today!
Hi All!!
Put the silkie and babies in our bedroom and was awakened by the sound of little chirpies!
Great way to wake up in the morning!

Now our son and my hubby are thinking about hatching out more eggs!!
They are starting to get the fever too!!
Everyone enjoys watching the babies run around.
Today is our sons birthday. He says he is just 19, I'll go along with that. Makes me a lot younger.
It is so beautiful out there today, but very cold.
When we all get together, I will look up all the old recipes, including the dandelion wine and bring them in.
I remember my Mom giving me some when we had colds and stuff. Makes one warm all over!

Nice turkey pictures. We used to have some come in our yard. It was always nice to see them.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi all!

Had to work this morning, now I'm finally home trying to finalize plans for my chicken tractor. hmmm, way too much fun. I found one on BYC that I think I will adapt a little. Can't wait to get started!

Wow, just read this mornings musings, I'd say your lucky all ya got was a slap. You GUYS really do like to live dangerously!!!

Hi all I am from "Detroit", I am such a country girl lost in the middle of urban sprall! I want chickens soooo bad I can smell them. I really want about 10-25 acres of farm land down in Hatchachubee Al, where my Dad is from...talk about heaven on earth! But I have to do with two city lots for now and at least 4-5 HENS I will be happy! I already checked out the Right to Farm law and the ordinances. Phewy on my neighbors , (I don't think they can hear anything above all their dogs 6 of them )although they keep the their yard really clean and take care of them we don't do any over the fence talking unless they are trying to get some tomato or cukes in the summer from my sons stand. Well anywho, I will be lurking and asking questions, wishing and hoping for warmer weather so I can get to building my coop and best of all using my power tools!!

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Hello Kimmy! Nice to meet you! You are in the right place... I am sure we can help you fuel your chicken addiction er um, I mean, dreams, lol... You should build for more, as it is really hard to stop with just a few!
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Opa you never said that to me

Welcome Kimmy

Cat is right you will need a much bigger coop if you hang out with these chicken addict ensnares
Thanks all for being so inviting...I was wondering if any know if any breeders or sellers live near or in Mt. Pleasant Michigan so that I may buy some chicks, my son is in school up there and perhaps an inpromptu visit of buying a few and (Oh yeah a visit to my son;) ,as I have bought the most lovely Toy Fox Terrier Ms. Pepsi Cola from Mt. Pleasant. If I could have one more that would be awesome but I can't so on to building my coop and raising chickens!

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