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Opa you never said that to me

You will have to forgive me I must have had a senior moment. So Welcome, I'm glad you have found us. Your being here has added immeasureably to my sad existence and I anxiously await your every post. Did I kiss up enough?
Opa you never said that to me

You will have to forgive me I must have had a senior moment. So Welcome, I'm glad you have found us. Your being here has added immeasureably to my sad existence and I anxiously await your every post. Did I kiss up enough?

(ducking quick to avoid the dishes being thrown from Grand Rapids all the way across the state... I hope I am far enough south not to get hit...)
Morning all-

I have my grandson here and I am too old to get up in the middle of sleeping to make a bottle. ( why don't we have any bleary-eyed smilies?)

My Marans eggs are due to hatch today. If they do not, I am going to throw out my thermometers and

Miss Jaynee-

I have a female rabbit that looks like yours that needs a home- I also have a five week old cockerel of mystery breed that is gonna need a home once he starts crowing. He has a silkie sidekick, of unknown gender.

I put those two babies out in the coop last night- theres a heater out there. I ignored the snow all day. My son refused to acknowledge it also, and rode his skateboard around in shorts and a tank top (are they called tank tops when its a guy wearing them?)
Good morning everyone.

Kids today call tank tops "wife beaters" at least that is what my sons told me a few years ago. Supposedly the name came from the idea that everytime a picture was shown on the news of a wife beater he was dressed in a white "tank top"

Still on bator watch here.
I'd let you borrow mine but it is a heck of a commute to get it.

I'm trying to figure out if I need or just want a duck. Judy thinks it would be neat to get one as soon as it hatches. She was told that if the duckling see you before anything/one else it thinks you are it's momma. Don't know if that is truth or tale.
Thanks for the offer, but yeah that's a bit of a hike. Still trying to figure out if I could talk DH into letting go to Chickenstock down by you guys. We got both of our ducks after the first day so I can't help you with that. They are really fun. They follow my kids all over the place. If our dogs get too close, Louie the drake will take off after them at full speed. The labs know better now, but the springer pup is still learning.
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I 've thought about it, but that's a lot of "fishing time" so that I can go visit people I "don't even know"as he says. I'd have to use his truck since mine probably wouldn't even make it to the Bridge
There are lots of people I didn't know until I met them. It's called making new friends. Tell him that arguement doesn't work. I have only met a few of the people that are on here and I am really looking forward to meeting more.
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