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somehow I must have got unsubscribed to the Michigan thread, theres 1046 unread posts. Oh well, not going to try to catch up but here's a pic of my crack, it's not quite a pip yet, it happened at 2:06 pm today...very first egg. It's one of Doris's my favorite Barred Rock.
And/or grow your own food.
But wait, so many ordinances are preventing even that. I'm not allowed to have chickens, bees or even a vegetable garden. I can have a horse though. Go figure.

That's wrong on many levels. My daughter lives in a suburb of Boston, Ma. and they can have veg. gardens in their front yard but you can't in rural Michigan? Too bad too, I was out pulling Rhutabagas yesterday for a boiled dinner. I cover them with leaves in the fall and dig them till next planting season - point is I would have a hard time with those types of zoning laws.
What on earth is their logic for not allowing a vegetable garden?
[COLOR=008000]somehow I must have got unsubscribed to the Michigan thread, theres 1046 unread posts.  Oh well, not going to try to catch up but here's a pic of my crack, it's not quite a pip yet, it happened at 2:06 pm today...very first egg.  It's one of Doris's my favorite Barred Rock.  [/COLOR]

Hey! Glad you found your way back! Yay on the pip!
I could be wrong, but I don't think Raz is rural. If I'm not mistake he's in a suburb of The D.

Most people don't have a clue what it takes to grow food and certainly not food for a family. Bees, Chickens, Gardens. Those things are just the tip of the iceberg. Grow what you can, but voting with your dollars will go a lot further. It's unreasonable to expect the great majority of families to grow any more than just a little supplement.
They rewrote the weed ordinance last summer and the wording says that you can't have any plants taller than 5 inches.
So all of the trees in the city are illegal now.?!

This ordinance brought to you courtesy of the same morons that outlawed owning a "viscous" dog. (adjective 1. of a glutinous nature or consistency; sticky; thick; adhesive.) Maybe city "counsel" meant a mean dog?

Or am I just being vicious?
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Nova - you should get your carpenters license. You have a talent!
Handsome son and nice looking chickens/chicks also.

Chicwanna B - welcome back! I hope youll post a photo of that chick when it makes it's escape.
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