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Good morning all. I candled all the eggs a second time that are under my broody and not one of them was any good. The silkie roo tries real hard all the time but he tends to be to small for the girls. Hopefully the Buff Orp roo will step into his duties soon. He is doing well making a place for himself in the pecking order. Still low man but he is ahead of the silkie girls now.
good afternoon!!!

The girls colds are kicking up this morning, so not much accomplished so far in school. Called the dr to get them in and haven't heard back from the nurse, they are treiaging the calls for appointments.

Larry- glad your ladies came home

Off to get something accomplished.....

it has been a pretty day out! the sun is shining, the air is crisp!
just got done with the chores. my hands were cold, but i was sweating. it's fall alright!

back to the grind...laundry patrol!
It's official, I am worthless!

I had an appointment with Mi rehab at MI works today and I am unemployable.

Wylie, I hope your girls are feeling better soon.
Daycare mom, good to have you back!
Larry, glad your girls are back.

Boyd, any more news on your foster daughter yet?
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that's what MAN says. not what HE says.

i see a woman with talents. a true Proverbs woman. a person created in the image of the Almighty, uhhhh, that's perfection personified, how can you go wrong with that?

i think you're fabulous! and there will be something perfect in the perfect timing, so forget this frustration and wait on it!
you are awesome!

Opa, I don't think you are old and worthless... Iam not sure about that shiftless part though.
I have always heard that you are only as old as you feel, lately I am feeling
Omran! hey! internet lazy is good sometimes! i was just thinking about you! how bout that??? glad to see you around! we are all super duper! how are all of you??? i'm sending hugs and kisses to the whole crew!

you know it my sister!

Opa, I don't think you are old and worthless... Iam not sure about that shiftless part though.
I have always heard that you are only as old as you feel, lately I am feeling

HBH---don't feel old----I think you are in the same age bracket as me, and I am not ready for old age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pretty sure that I'm much older than you.

I brain keeps telling me that I'm still a young man, however, my knees and hip tell me otherwise.
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Apparently everyone is too old to stay up past 7:00 p.m. Or y'all fell asleep on your computers. Gosh it's getting dark so early now, it's no wonder we're all feeling tired. There were close to 100 students sick at my school today!
I try not to breathe too much when I'm there.

The good news on the chicken front is my LF blue/black cochin roo is really crowing up a storm AND was having his way with one of the buff orps. It's about time - that rooster is 27 or 28 weeks. I had pretty much given up on him.
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