
Sorry to hear about the broody house Holm25. That's sad... The wind is crazy out there.
Wind here is about 30 mph!! Its crazy I am setting up a dog kennel in the garage for my broody who got eggs last night!!
holm25-sorry about your chicks/eggs!! What a crappy thing to happen!!!

We are having gusts in the mid 40s according to the weather channel. Pretty dang windy. We were still working on the coop exterior, just had the tar paper on it still needed to shingle it, well all the tar paper is now off and caught up in the fence line. Also had the top blow off the rooster coop and they are all getting blown around the yard. Surprisingly, we have not had any trees down yet like you Bogtown. Still waiting for that to happen.
Holm, I can't believe the wind today either. That is awful news about your chicks!! It sounds like they were almost ready. Do you have more EE eggs to set?
I bet your broody is upset, too. I feel so bad for you. :(
LOL! Well, I'm a homeschool mom laughing at you! I thought maybe you were balancing your checkbook or budgeting or something!

If it helps, I still use some algebra & geometry in my real life on our little farmette. ;)

LOL! I don't mind the geometry, but the algebra is just, well.......bleh. :sick I'll take reading or art over math any day! :lol:
Holm, I can't believe the wind today either. That is awful news about your chicks!! It sounds like they were almost ready. Do you have more EE eggs to set?
I bet your broody is upset, too. I feel so bad for you.
Yeah I have more eg but w r going to get her some fosters as she has been stuck to the nest since the first week in February!! 2 times I have gave her eggs first time was none were fertile and then this... Thanks I was super sad!!
Good morning, fellow Minnesotans!

It's time for another random thought by Scott16475.

As you know, last spring was our first time raising baby chicks and once we moved them to the coop it took them a long time to learn to put themselves to bed. Each night, there I was, chasing them around and putting them into the coop. I was never so happy when they figured it out on their own. Everything I read said it takes hens approximately two weeks to figure it out. We went well past two weeks. We now have 6 new chicks and I'm wondering when the time comes to move them to the coop if they will follow the existing flock into the coop at night or whether I'll have to manually put them in each night until they figure it out...? 

Please tell me they'll follow the older girls in or at the very least, tell me they will pick up on the routine much quicker....

I wouldn't put them with the older hens.

Last year was my first year with chicks as well. When they'd feathered out, out grew the brooder and were ready to go into their new coop I kept them in there for two weeks before I let them out at all. It worked out well because I hadn't built a run yet. After two weeks cooped up in the coop I had absolutly no problem with them not putting themselves to bed even after I started letting them free ranch a month or so later.
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we're on the SE side.  I think I remember the fire.  DH may have been called for support with his volunteer FD.  My memory is bad though. 

I'm sure you'll sell your place quickly with that coop adding to the property value and all.  ;)   Good luck to everybody selling and buying out there.  Busy folks!

Did your DH get called out last Saturday? There was a big fire South of Akeley and I know a bunch of departments and the DNR were out there for quite a while.
Ugh. Just got done depoopifying about half my new chick's butts.
I noticed some breeds were worse than others. Is pasty butt more likely with some breeds more than others?

pasty seems to be an issue mostly for me when they get too chilly. I never have that problem with my own hatchlings, but shipped chicks get it a lot. I clean the butts and wipe a little vitamin E ointment on the vent and surrounding down to help keep the poo from sticking in the future. Seems to work great. I have 37 shipped chicks in the brooder right now. Lucky for me the last couple days while they were in transit it was nice out since the hatchery didn't send a heat pack with them this time (they did with the batch USPS lost in Feb, little good it did though - this shipment was my replacements for the loss on that shipment). Kinda glad that I have these babies for Easter weekend since what would have been my Easter hatch got fried when our friends' kids tampered with the incubator. Exciting thing about this shipment is they appear to have sent me a "mistake", but a rather happy mistake. I ordered bantam white crested polish and one of them is solid white! I am unsure if this was a picking mistake on their part (just reaching for a white crested head when packing) or if it is some kind of genetic anomaly. I'm really hoping for pullet though, cause I wanna keep it!

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