mistaken roo?

i live outside the US.

but we have plans to live there someday..

is it good there?
oh that's good.
so back to the topic if u don't mind. if you were me, will you buy a bunch of males and wait and expect a pullet?

im thinking that IF i get a pullet, and i knew it early.. what will i do with those little boys? what can u suggest?
what do the companys do with the hens that are retireing im sure you could get some because where i live they only keep the hens for the first laying year surely if you ask nicely they will give you one or two at the end of the year.
The only time I got mistaken pullets for what was supposed to be little Roos was as packing peanuts, but for me it was a happy mistake. (but they just added them I didn't order the males)

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