MJ's little flock

I’m hoping my bad luck with bantams is just that; bad luck. Snowy seems to be going great, although she was yelling her head off at 6.50 this morning as she was up but Tegan and Nyssa were still in bed!
I think bad luck & possibly poor breeding combined with shocking weather this year. The only bantam I lost was the porclain D'Uccle & thinking back I think she was never quite right. The Japs can have genetic faults & those obviously get culled before they hit the market but otherwise seem to be exceptionally hardy. All my Japs are going great guns.
That's good food for thought Ribh. I've been contemplating commuting between Adelaide and Sydney for a great job but I when I consider the ramifications for the hens, who might possibly be confined to the run Monday -friday, I can't do it.
Bummer! :( Permanent chook sitter?
While that's true my bantams seem to be hardier than my standards. :idunnoPartly I suspect because the ornamental chooks aren't bred for eggs so all those problems no longer apply. Of my girls, those who are not super layers seem to be doing best ~ including Ha'penny & Luna, who, while regular layers, have never laid every day. Having access to new ground regularly helps too I think. I'm noticing the girls change favourite spots regularly giving the ground a chance to recover & any germs a chance to dissipate.
Yup, fresh ground works wonders.

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