MJ's little flock

Goid morning @rjohns39 :frow I'm well-rested thanks, and looking forward to meeting two new chooks today. The neighbours whose flock and cats I've been caring for lately have returned home from visiting their family and they've brought the family's chickens home with them. The family are about to spend a year or so sailing, so their chickens needed a new home. So they join the three hens who pranked me yesterday. How are you? Any news?
My brother & his family have lived aboard a 50' catamaran for about 15 years ~ 4 of them spent cruising through Asia. Not for me. I don't mind dingy racing but salt water is sucky. :( It makes me itch.
Hi @twilightgecko thanks for joining in :) Tell us about your chickens
hi.. i have 2 chickens.. a black australorp named Pepper.. and a buff Orp named Guardy.. they are my babies.. i simply adore them..

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