MJ's little flock

I feel kind of bad like I was meanly correcting everyone and raining on the GLW parade. Unfortunately my personality tends towards knowing and acknowledging the details. It's part of scientific training I guess. For some reason I am exhibiting it in chicken breeds. I can't say why it feels important to me. I am just not satisfied with "pretty chicken".
But you have to agree that my insight that it is a chicken is unassailable! :lau :lau
I think that's the original feather shaft. I suspect it's like kids losing teeth. Sometimes the feathers come out clean, which means the new shaft likely pushes out the old and other times it comes out with the shaft.

There's no science in what I'm saying just what I've observed and think goes on.
That's very helpful Bob. Thanks for posting.
Go on. Push me out to the fringes of chicken keeping.:rolleyes::lau
It will be I shouldn't even be on the site next, because I'm not a proper backyard chicken keeper.
Can you beleive someone actually said that to me and the person was/is well known.
Are you kidding me? How hateful. I would suggest they are the ones who do not belong here.

You have enlighted all of us to so much and I feel like I am giving my chickens a much better life because of what I have learned from you. Mine will never be wild but they enjoy being more natural chickens now than they did before I met you.

Your help with Sydney's hatching last year was invaluable to me. I was much calmer because I had you and @CrazyChookChookLady to help me through it. I can never repay you for that.

I would submit the following, your chickens have names, they have coops, they visit you in your house, you care for them when they are ill. You sound like a backyard chicken keeper to me.

And most of all, I consider you to be my chicken friend and my life would be less without you in it. :hugs:hugs
You don’t fool us with your ‘less cuddly’ talk. Who is it keeps walnuts in their pockets and carries an elderly hen to her preferred breakfast location? Who here regularly has chickens in their house? Who here created a chicken sling and fed strawberries to an ailing chicken?
No judgement. Just saying!
I will not tell you what to do but I once explained all of this science in a post on one of these threads. I will try and find it.
Here is the post from last December. I stand by this completely.
Screenshot_20210102-150624_BackYard Chickens.jpg
I feel kind of bad like I was meanly correcting everyone and raining on the GLW parade. Unfortunately my personality tends towards knowing and acknowledging the details. It's part of scientific training I guess. For some reason I am exhibiting it in chicken breeds. I can't say why it feels important to me. I am just not satisfied with "pretty chicken".
Why? I'm not detail oriented but I prefer accuracy when I can get it. :hugs Big picture people often miss details. This would be an interesting study on how we manage our flocks differently depending on whether we are detail oriented or big picture thinkers.
You haven't ruffled any feathers.:love
I'm not very good at this internet communication business.
It's great you've found someone who will take them back if they don't turn out to be what you wanted and good luck with your flock.
Other than that, ignore me. You just happened to land on one of my soap boxes.:oops::D
He'll get used to you. The rest of us have. ;)😆
Why? I'm not detail oriented but I prefer accuracy when I can get it. :hugs Big picture people often miss details. This would be an interesting study on how we manage our flocks differently depending on whether we are detail oriented or big picture thinkers.
I agree that would be an interesting study per se.
You don’t fool us with your ‘less cuddly’ talk. Who is it keeps walnuts in their pockets and carries an elderly hen to her preferred breakfast location? Who here regularly has chickens in their house? Who here created a chicken sling and fed strawberries to an ailing chicken?
No judgement. Just saying!

Yep, you just called us both out! And to say nothing of Roostie making twice daily trips to the “Big Coop” in my arms, to sit on my Tshirt in my mothers chair being hand fed a home cooked meal (I’m trying to treat him with Antibiotics, and he’s gotten wise to the Baytril laced bread...) it’s just a much bigger back yard, and a very realistic perspective on lifespans/risks/and choices of that nature.

Culling Hoppy was the hardest moment I’ve had so far, I nursed that girl through so much, and she had done so well, but I also had no issues in personally sending the Little White Devils (Sammy’s brothers) to Freezer Camp.

Shad might be a little blunt at times, but we all love him, and not in-spite of that, but partially because of it. I just had to mention that for some people chicken gender could be a significant issue. Imagine accidentally getting 2 cockerels in a 3 chicken flock!

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