More about the stupid black australorp that has ruined me for life....

I'm in awe of how these little critters can be so wonderful, too!

I have a little Polish that is NOT content to be with the other chicks (7 total, various breeds/sizes/ages) but wants to be at my nape of my neck, under the hair. That's a demand.

I absolutely understand how attached we can become!

The baby cheeks in the photo over your desk is absolutely wonderful!
She is adorable.
I do think it's a she. My Australorp boys starting sprouting red combs and wattles very young.
Don't happens to the best of us.
A silkie ruined my life too.

She follows me around ALL the live long day. (running & sliding on the wood floors)
She is almost a year old now.
Sleeps on the nightstand next to my husbands side of the bed.
Eats dinner off of my plate.
Goes to Lowes with me.
DH say's she squalks like hell if I don't take her with me.
Oh did I mention that she also squalks insessently if I try to take a nap?
Until I put her on the bed that is...

Do you feel better yet?

Sometimes I can get away from her if I distract her with the fluffy dog.
Its her second victim.
She likes to sit on it while it sleeps.
Pecks the dang thing untill it wakes up.
Then steals it's bones & hides them in her egg basket.

Did I mention she lays eggs in my husband closet... he is thrilled. NOT!

You can still eat chicken... good for you!
I try... but then I think of all of those poor sweet things that don't have a human or a dog to boss around.
I get sad & then loose my appetite.

My only friend is a chicken.
All of the others don't come around anymore...
Because I'm the lady with the chicken.
I have one of those too. I thought he was a girl for the longest time... no comb nor waddles. Then I got "her" a companion roo and she started crowing!!!
Chickie stays with me, chases me around the house and the yard and hates his companion roo. I thought it was how he was raised that made him so human-friendly, but perhaps it is the breed.

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