Most humane way to put a chick down?

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One of the best reasons for killing an animal is to relieve suffering. Small chicks - up to few weeks - can be quickly euthanized by cutting off their head with a pair of heavy scissors like kitchen shears. It is as close to instantaneous as any method I have used.
Nicolae Ceausescu was a Romanian dictator in the 1960's who was like the Communist version of a Republican. He outlawed contraception and implemented policies to grow the Romanian population far beyond the nation's ability to produce food. This produced a lot of children who could not be cared for and who were put into horrible state run orphanages. Scientists noticed that even when the children received the basic necessities they needed, they still didn't grow. It was discovered that children who have no interaction with a nurturing parental figure simply do not grow or develop, regardless of meeting other physical needs. The researchers were not supposed to touch or hold the children, as they would scream for hours afterwards.

Dictators are wonderful.
You can add parents who don't want their children to that "wonderful" list. Two out of four of our adopted daughters were failure to thrive. I can't even tell you how many other issues they now have because the attachment cycle didn't happen.
You can add parents who don't want their children to that "wonderful" list. Two out of four of our adopted daughters were failure to thrive. I can't even tell you how many other issues they now have because the attachment cycle didn't happen.

Fully 20% of pregnancies in the United States in 2008 were unwanted. Over 50% were unintended.

If I continued to talk about this, it would be impossible for me not to go on a feminist tirade, which has nothing to do with chickens. So I will leave you with those two facts.
Well I guess i spoke too soon, one of my eggs hatched with a twisted leg and weirdly shaped abdomen. I used a wet paper towel to suffocate it. It took a minute or two but I didn't want blood and gore everywhere.
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