Multi-colored silkies? Where are they?

The hen is of absolutely NO relation, she is just a goody broody who we stuck eggs under!! She is a sweet Japanese who will take any chick at any age, and mother it!
Yes, Scooters dad is a sizzle/frizzle, I can never tell the difference, I am a cochin lover, these are my first silkies.

The little gold one, comes either from a buff couple, or a blue couple, there is no partridge coloring anywhere in her background.

I didnt realize that you could only show solid colored silkies, I am hoping for a buff blue combo, on the little gold one, cuase I love blue!

Thanks for everyones input and photos.
the black peep is- a black with brass in it. blue or black should be solid color not have a patridge colored/marked head as down feathers. more than likely it will be black when older with gold in the hackles. alot of times with blue or black color u get brass or red color which is hard to breed out and is very challengeing to work with. the babies it throws will have brass also.

the buff one- is a very smutted(blue color added) buff it is not partridge. it is very hard to get clear buffs and is always a work in progress in any buff breeding program. from what i can see i do not believe it is cross color it looks both parents were buffs.

both r adorable.
if u r not showing and not raiseing them to standards they will make nice breeders when they grow up. they both look bearded to me from what i can see at least the buff definately is and the buff has a vaulted skull.

hope that helps,
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Ummm, sorry for any confusion, but I think there is some. Of the two chicks, BB, the golden one, came from either two Buff Silkies, or Two Blue Silkies, no cross nookie going on!
The two buff parents are a lovely pair, I was just amazed to see the blue notes on her back, and was wondering if they will stay, or fade with maturity.

The other Chick, Scooter, is from two black parents, the father has a few golden hackles. There is NO blue or partridge in any possibility. (I dont care for the partridge color, and have never owned or bred them.)

My reason for starting this thread was to learn if there were other multicolored silkies out there, and if so, why didnt they show. I have learned about them, and am grateful, Thanks again everyone!

It is fun to speculate on what these chicks will look like, but I feel I should clarify, I know thier parents, and what they were supposed to look like!

Oh, does anyone know, will BB's wing feathers get more silky with age, like her folks, or will they stay like normal feathers?
u didn't understand my post, u can have added colors in certain colors and it doesn't mean they r from a mixed flock it is hidden genes popping up which needs bred out of the next generations. it doesn't go just by parents the rest of their heritage factors into that too like grandparents, great grandparents ect.

scooter is a black sorry i wrote that wrong. he has a partridge look but when feathered in will not be partridge color it will be the brass(golden) color his father has.

i did not say they didn't come from 2 buffs and 2 blacks and i didn't say they came from a mixed colored pair.

yes there is many multi colored out there and they r not shown in regular silkie class cuz they don't meet apa/aba standards. but there is a feather legged aov class and that they can show under but they show against all feather legged breeds not just silkies.

no bb will not loose the blue color and will have it as adult. sorry if u were confused we r actually saying the same thing just worded different and mine was more specific.
Too bad this thread seems to be dead. I am planing on breeding multi-colored Silkies. I am not looking right now for standard show chickens, I like more breeding unique birds
It would be nice when some more people would post pictures of their Silkies.
I had Silkie chick hatch last week, unsure of the parentage, but it's black with pure white belly, wing tips, & leg feathers...It's starting to feather in & the white is remaining so...I can hardly wait to see what the final feathering is...she rather looks like a penguin now.
The color separation is very distinct...
I have a multicolored silkie. She has a blue head and a lemon colored body. Weird, but beautiful.
What breeder did you get this silky from? I am looking for rainbow colored silkies and need a breeder to contact.
Too bad this thread seems to be dead. I am planing on breeding multi-colored Silkies. I am not looking right now for standard show chickens, I like more breeding unique birds
It would be nice when some more people would post pictures of their Silkies.
Do you know of breeder that I can get rainbow colored selkies? I am not interested in show chickens but my black silky just died after 4 years. I have a buff one but would like rainbow colored one.
My e-mail address is [email protected]

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