Murderous stray dog= heartbroken family


11 Years
Mar 4, 2008
Tucson, Arizona
We hatched a pilgrim gosling about two months ago, a sweet little male, who was the only survivor of insanely thick egg shells. Tonight a stray dog went through two fences and killed our goose, and our muscovy ducks. We are devestated. Goosie was handled daily, ate out of our hands, and was a family favorite all around. I have been doing my homework and NO ONE has goslings or eggs available-- I know it's off season. I just really need to help ease my sic year old's heart break. Goosie was his baby-- he slept with him when he was a baby and hatched alone and has lovingly taken care of him in every way possible. If anyone knows where we can get geese-- pilgrim preferred and NOT and African or Chinese... I would be incredible grateful!


Two months ago, my son and who he calls 'the love of his life'.
here's a baby pic of everyone who was killed...


seven foot fences couldn't keep this predator away. I'm pretty positive it was a dog as my cat was sitting right there when I ran out and chased it away, and wasn't even worried, plus the fact that the only possible access point was on the porch right next to my bedroom, where I was sitting...
oh what anger that would give me if i got ahold of that dog i rather not say anything else might be too graphic to post.
I understand how you feel. We lost a female pilgrim, a male sebastopol, and 1/3 of our ducks about 3 weeks ago to 2 stray dogs.
Even if the dog did kill beloved flock members, it is up to people to treat the dog humanely still. So meaning if you shoot the dog, do so in a way that imparts the least amount of suffering and the quickest death. You make it sound like you would torture the animal before dispatching it, which is ethically wrong.
i am so sorry you can call me at 5088849602 and i can give you somones number and you can call them.because they might have geese that your looking for.
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Even if the dog did kill beloved flock members, it is up to people to treat the dog humanely still. So meaning if you shoot the dog, do so in a way that imparts the least amount of suffering and the quickest death. You make it sound like you would torture the animal before dispatching it, which is ethically wrong.

as brutal as it sounds ur correct i havnt had to deal with any dogs yet but raccoons and possums i have dealt with lol dont worry ill speare the details lolz. anyways every one has their ways of dealing with predators eating their livestock i have mine i respect every1's way of doing it lets just leave it at that..

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