My 16 year old driver ... Love It ... Spend time with your kids

We did that w/my 3rd son, both daughters and my nephew:) I timed it so we had great music on the radio and we also had music lessons while "bonding in fear"
All types of music, we'd discuss it, too, and critique the driver "in the hot seat" as they all took turns on the same outing...the only one that didn't stick w/it and get a license so far is my eldest daughter, she's got a lead foot and scares herself, finally!!! Haven't much grey hair yet but every single one of them must be from her;)
It is funny you mention the driving music as my son calls it. We have a difference of opinion on the driving music. So I think we have agreed to just talk.
Yeah, I have some friends who are police officers and also had some friends who were stuck in that horrible back-up. Interstate 70 - The parking lot. That is never a good thing.
Tell me about it I get yelled at allot because I am lazy and keep starting to drive then stopping it stresses everybody out.

My youngest DD just turned 16 last month, but she says she wants to wait till this summer to get her learner's license. I think she's just a little nervous and will change her mind soon. She's nothing like my other two kids, they were both ready when they turned 15, LOL. I'm not gonna pressure her. She will know when she's ready.

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