My 2 week old babies dont like me

I tried the suggestion of 4 at a time, and set them on a towel next to me and fed them some hardboiled egg yolks. Its funny because the Buff Orpingtons were little piggies, they LOVED the food! All the others wanted heat, and were crying out to the ones still left in the brooder. The ones in the brooder also were upset about "missing" 4. Ultimately, the Americaunas loved the idea of being held under my chin in the warmth, the Reds liked to perch on my leg and fell asleep, the bantams cuddled together, and the Orpintongs Pigged out!! Thanks for the help, I think I'm getting it now! Need to get some of those chicken diapers ... HAHAHA
Mine are about 3.5 weeks old now and they absolutely freak out when I first come near them (to change food, water, etc.). Then I start giving them some treats and they seem to calm down and warm up to me (go figure). Before long they are coming up to me pecking at my fingers. I'm hoping they grow out of the initial freak out stage soon though...
Mine are different by breed. The Barred Plymouth Rocks are fearless, but the rest will shriek. I do love the suggestions you are getting though, and will try to get more of them to spend time out of the brooder.
My chicks want nothing to do with me either, the only babies that like me are my 2 geese...I thought they were supposed to be the mean ones??
I love chickie time, my favorite part of the day! We brought a new batch of babies home tonight and already they were sleeping on my boys chests while watching tv. It takes time but it's worth it!
I like to take my chicks out in the sunshine in a doggy play pen surrounded with hard wire cloth 24" up (otherwise they can walk right through the openings in the pen) and sit down in the middle of it while they scratch around in the grass. I lay my hands on the grass, palms up, and they eventually start walking right over them. Pretty soon they learn that I'm a good place to go for a pet or a treat (mine love oatmeal). They still squawk when I reach down into their brooder because they have an instinctive fear of predators coming from above, but they quiet right down and get happy when they realize it's just me.

Today, I had six chicks sitting on my legs and knees happily preening.
Try taking your hand in front of them and pick them up by sliding your hand under their chest rather then picking them up over their backs and on their wings. Mine only carry on when they are picked up by their back/wing area.
Also, ditto...kind of. My buff LOVES to be picked up from the underside....she'll chill in my hand, legs dangling, for a long time. It's so funny looking
Now, my nh red & "mystery" girl scream no matter how they're picked up

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