My babies found the kale **pics**

The tall plants are okra thats just getting started. I experimented with 'lasagna gardening' this year and really like it. You can Google it, but basically its just making layers of organic material (like making lasagna) and planting directly in it. No digging, no hoeing, just put a layer of wet newspaper or cardboard directly over the area you want to be garden then start layering. I used old hay, old cow manure and some pretty well composted mulch. Build it up about 18" high and plant directly in it. No soil needed, but you can use some if you want. I try to keep as much poison away from us as possible, and 'us' includes my animals.

The only think that didn't work well in it was my peppers; they are pathetic looking....
My gals love kale!! And I found out this year they love broccoli leaves also.
I tried growing kale for them last year, and got tiny little plants. How is it your's looks so big and yummy?
Far out!
Love your chicky pics! Looks like they are playing ring around the rosie by the tree!
My kale did really well. Its getting way too hot for it now as I planted it late; waited until we came baclk from vacation in March. Anyway, I think it likes the 'lasagna garden' garden system; lots of layers composting down with plenty of air, moisture and nutrients. You may already know this, but kale is extremely high in calcium; a much better source in fact than from any pill or dairy product. I like to juice it with fruit and use a little of the leaves torn up small in salads. This year, I'm sharing with the babies!

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