my dog attacked my duck please help!

Good to hear your seeing fast improvements. Keep up the good work.
Good to hear your seeing fast improvements. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup

Thanks miss Lydia! With her ever increasing improvements I made my bf hold her good tonight so I could look her over really well and see what's going on. Her back has healed and its got skin instead of open raw flesh. She has one spot in between her wings that is kinda scabby but I think because of where it is when she preens herself she hits it and keeps it open but I'm sure it will heal up. Its already gotten a bit better from the other day. And her other two spots are looking good. They still have that black stuff I really wish she'd let me get a good picture of it because its hard to explain. But around them the skin looks great. Its turning to a softer pink color and I can clearly see where her feathers are starting to grow in. I'm so proud of her progress. My bf keeps trying to push her outside full time and I told him tonight that if he keeps it up he will be outside full time lol so for now he's dropped the subject. I'm not ready for her to go outside just yet. I want to make sure she's healed all the way and has some feathers at least. Since today was a warm day I scrubbed the kiddy pools clean and since I can see the whole yard from the pools I decided to let cheese out of her pen and see what happened. It started off good until Little, my runner drake, realized who she was and tried to mate her. I stopped it as soon as he grabbed her neck feathers and back in the pen she went. She's deff not ready for that yet and I'm surprised it even happened. Cheese is sort of an outcast because she didn't grow up with the other ducks she was already a yr old when I got them, so she isn't totally accepted into the flock and because she is so timid and shy she gets picked on a lot. Little is my only runner and he knows he's different and the other ducks know that too and the females aren't as receptive to his mating gestures. So I thought that they just didn't do anything. I'd never seen cheese be mated and Little would chase down someone every now and again so I didn't expect it all until one night I caught them in the act. That was when cheese was sitting and I thought for sure all her eggs were duds. So seeing Little go after her like that in broad daylight right in front of me was a bit of a shock. But all is well and nothing happened. Oh ya I almost forgot, eggs are coming along great. Sadly cheese is down from 6 to 4 eggs. One was rotten and the other had a tiny crack in it with a little hole and it must of killed it. I'm hoping out of the 4 that at least 1 will hatch so I can keep it. I really want a cheese and little baby lol. But I'm headed to go pass out for a few days from exhaustion.. just kidding but it'd be nice. Have a good night everyone.
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My bf keeps trying to push her outside full time and I told him tonight that if he keeps it up he will be outside full time lol so for now he's dropped the subject. I'm not ready for her to go outside just yet. I want to make sure she's healed all the way and has some feathers at least.

That's the spirit!

Protect that girl!
I look forward to seeing these ducklings they will be adorable. I think your on the right track as far as keeping her in till healed. After all who's doing all the work it takes to keep her inside? I always say no comments from the peanut gallery.
Haha thanks girls I'll make sure to show him your comments and be like see I told you. I like to tell him shes just a little girl and cant go outside yet. Your right Miss Lydia I do all the work with her even down to the laundry but that's alright I don't mind taking care of my baby Cheese. I will be sure to post lots of pics when these ducklings get here. 28 days is just too long. Oh so my *morning update* Cheese was very rambunctious last night and spilled her whole thing of water, along with a half bowl of food. I was exhausted so I just threw an extra towel over top and boy was it stinky this morning. I also set her on top of my dresser instead of on the floor and kept my door open so the dogs could sleep with me since I've missed them being in bed and to see how Causey would react. It went well causey eyed her a few times and I told him no and made him get away from her and she hissed at him a few times. I told her she was safe and he wouldn't be able to hurt her. I guess she wasn't so sure. But I think it will be good for causey to be around her in particular like that. For his first night he did very well. I'm hoping that this will help him more on his road of training to be a great duck friendly dog. Bear liked it of course. He sniffed the air at her and wagged his tail then sat on the bed and watched her until he fell asleep. Nothing else to report really. I don't check her wounds until I bring her inside in the evenings since miracles seem to happen when she's outside.
Haha thanks girls I'll make sure to show him your comments and be like see I told you. I like to tell him shes just a little girl and cant go outside yet. Your right Miss Lydia I do all the work with her even down to the laundry but that's alright I don't mind taking care of my baby Cheese. I will be sure to post lots of pics when these ducklings get here. 28 days is just too long. Oh so my *morning update* Cheese was very rambunctious last night and spilled her whole thing of water, along with a half bowl of food. I was exhausted so I just threw an extra towel over top and boy was it stinky this morning. I also set her on top of my dresser instead of on the floor and kept my door open so the dogs could sleep with me since I've missed them being in bed and to see how Causey would react. It went well causey eyed her a few times and I told him no and made him get away from her and she hissed at him a few times. I told her she was safe and he wouldn't be able to hurt her. I guess she wasn't so sure. But I think it will be good for causey to be around her in particular like that. For his first night he did very well. I'm hoping that this will help him more on his road of training to be a great duck friendly dog. Bear liked it of course. He sniffed the air at her and wagged his tail then sat on the bed and watched her until he fell asleep. Nothing else to report really. I don't check her wounds until I bring her inside in the evenings since miracles seem to happen when she's outside.
When you want to let her out with the rest and you notice anyone messing with her wounds you can get Blue Kote spray and cover all the featherless areas to disguise them so the others will leave her alone. Don't know what to tell you about Little your drake other than surely he is going to calm down soon with the temps dropping, even my Muscovy's aren't mating. But keeping her out where everyone can see each other will help a lot when she can be with them again.
When you want to let her out with the rest and you notice anyone messing with her wounds you can get Blue Kote spray and cover all the featherless areas to disguise them so the others will leave her alone.  Don't know what to tell you about Little your drake other than surely he is going to calm down soon with the temps dropping, even my Muscovy's aren't mating. But keeping her out where everyone can see each other will help a lot when she can be with them again.

Thanks miss Lydia for the information. I'm hoping she will still be sort of an outcast like she was before and they will leave her alone. Well until she tries to eat with them that's where the picking usually comes in. But there's 19 of them and 1 food bowl so I'm sure they all get picked on at some point. I hope so. Once she's healed up completely it won't matter if he mates her or not but I'd hate to have jump on her and open her wounds back up with his nails. I try to get her out as early in the morning as possible and bring her in right before dark. She only spends the nights inside. Sunday she might stay in its supposed to be rainy and cold. But her wounds are almost healed up completely. I just put triple antibiotic on the 3 spots and that's it. Her feathers are coming in nicely too. And her poop is back to normal now. She's at the tail end of her recovery, and I'm almost positive I'm going to miss spending so much time with her.
Thanks miss Lydia for the information. I'm hoping she will still be sort of an outcast like she was before and they will leave her alone. Well until she tries to eat with them that's where the picking usually comes in. But there's 19 of them and 1 food bowl so I'm sure they all get picked on at some point. I hope so. Once she's healed up completely it won't matter if he mates her or not but I'd hate to have jump on her and open her wounds back up with his nails. I try to get her out as early in the morning as possible and bring her in right before dark. She only spends the nights inside. Sunday she might stay in its supposed to be rainy and cold. But her wounds are almost healed up completely. I just put triple antibiotic on the 3 spots and that's it. Her feathers are coming in nicely too. And her poop is back to normal now. She's at the tail end of her recovery, and I'm almost positive I'm going to miss spending so much time with her.

I think I'd add a couple more feed bowls, Sounds like she is doing so good, that is great news and shows what can happen when we take the time to give TLC and not give up on them.
Hmm I'll have to add a few more and see what happens. I was considering it when I got my 15 ducklings but once they were older and outside they got along great with my other ducks at the food bowl. Then I got rid of 3 of the original 4 and then I got geese. And when my geese are at the food bowl it's every duck for itself. That's where the picking comes in. So I might add one or two more bowls. I'm hoping the geese won't try to man all the food bowls. It's funny though because when they were smaller Cheese was the only one they didn't pick on when she ate with them. I think it's cause they were the same size and they were all white. They quickly out grew her size and then she was no longer able to sneak to the food bowl. Speaking of my geese and Cheese. I got done work at 6 am and was going to go back to sleep (that's what I was doing at work, yes I get paid to sleep
) but Cheese was just a quacking up a storm and so I did all my morning chores really early this morning, well for me it's early. And when I got up at 10 I looked out my window and laying next to the pen sleeping were all 3 geese. What a cute site that was. Well in case you guys didn't realize (I didn't either until a minute ago) it's been a week since Cheese was attacked. I know a whole week I can't believe it myself. I think she's come a long way from when I first picked her up and brought her inside. She's doing so well in her recovery and I agree Miss Lydia a lot of it is from the extra TLC I gave her, and the miracles of her being outside with her flock. She's doing so well that I even put her own kiddie pool in there so she doesn't have to take baths in the tub anymore and not feel left out when the other ducks are playing in the other kiddie pool. I cleaned it good first before I gave it to her though. She's all done molting though. I only get a few feathers when I'm cleaning out her carrier instead of like half a duck of feathers. I'd say pretty soon I might get an egg from her one morning but Cheese, although a Pekin, has been known to go really long times without laying an egg. Then other times she will faithfully lay an egg every day. But that's all for now, will update later on how her wounds look. Have a good day.

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