My eggs are causing me severe stomach pain!


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2020
Hi everyone. So I have 5 hens, for about the last week I have been having really bad stomach pains. Long story short, I eat our hens eggs daily. I stopped for a couple days to test the theory and then had an omelette today and boom severe pain again.

Anyways, I am wondering what would cause this. Most of the time my Plymouth Rock eggs are a light beige, lately some are coming out an off white color. My australorps eggs seem to be the same in color. I am wondering what I should be doing to maybe cleanse their stomach? Or best approach to this issue. Thanks in advance !
I know my aunt can have grocery store eggs but eggs she usually gets from small homesteads that feed oyster shell she’s allergic too. Gets stomach pains & unwell feeling.

She does have a seafood allergy. So somehow the oyster shell still transfers to the eggs.

Just something to think about.
I strongly believe that the diet of chickens effects their eggs nutritionally for us humans. I doubt no corn is the issue... but if you have an allergy it maybe effecting the eggs... Also bacteria as mentioned.

Feed studies indicate what chickens eat effect taste, look of yolk, consistency of yolk, egg shell hardness... governments do this research around the globe to find cheap ways to feed chickens. I am pretty sure it is also why health data on eating eggs is so massively different between the East and West... birds are eating different feed.

Take a look at what they have been eating, get tested for allergies... if your okay then I would look at bacteria control options.
Is it just your eggs? Or does the same thing happen when you eat other farmers eggs, or store bought eggs?
Does the black spot look like this? -
View attachment 2609212
It could be a blood spot or meat spot. Both of those are perfectly safe to eat, so shouldn't be causing the problem. Have you treated them with any antibiotics, or antiparasitic sprays lately?
Ok thanks, good to know. I had four bacon Gouda from Starbucks in those two days and didn’t really have an issue. And I have not given them any antibiotics or sprays at all.
You might have developed an intolerance or allergy to the egg protein or to some of the chicken feed ingredients.

Best to get tested.

ETA: Did you treat your chickens lately with antibiotics or antiparasitic agents?
You might have developed an intolerance or allergy to the egg protein or to some of the chicken feed ingredients.

Best to get tested.

ETA: Did you treat your chickens lately with antibiotics or antiparasitic agents?
Interesting... well I had eggs the other two days, just not from my girls. And nothing really has changed in their diet. Do you think the color of the eggs changing and hardness of the shell is nothing to be concerned about?

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