My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

It really would be best to become more agressive in cleaning out the wounds even though she does not like it, using an antibiotic, and start some tube feeding, or think about putting her down. Treating her with plantain may not be enough. She has wounds that most of us would have trouble dealing with, not to mention the possible loss of her eye and tongue. It is really a lot for you to handle alone.
I just want to put my two cents in here and say ... there are probably a lot of opinions on this matter as to what the OP "ought" to do. But that is not the purpose of this thread. She did not ask our opinions on whether to put her bird down or not. She specifically asked how to deal with the inflammation, and I think we should stick to that topic.

OP, you have taken on a difficult task and I commend you for that. I wish you and your bird a good outcome.
Is the chicken still alive? I would like to know the outcome for this bird.
Yes, poor thing. How is she doing? Have you started with antibiotics?
I thought things were looking on the upside for her, I got her to eat, her eyes were starting to drain, we were getting Penicillin for our goats that we could use for her as well so it was a win-win.
I can't really help with the treatment, but you did mention that your dad would rather put her down and eat her... don't do that... If she has been injured this long and is stinky, that's not something you want to be eating....
But sadly, it was a hard choice to make, but we put her down. Right, we didn't eat her she was not in good shape even more so towards the end.
I have to agree with back and tan. Just because you can keep an animal alive doesn’t mean that you should. She does not have a comfortable life to look forward to and a bird can’t see thru the weeks of pain and misery it will take to possibly heal. The kindest thing you can do for her is end her pain rather than prolonging it when it is unlikely she can have a relatively normal life in the near future.
Yeah, it was getting brutal and cruel to keep her alive. As her eyes started to drain, all the inflammation went right to her eyes and she looked like an alien. A little while after that, her eye like fell out:sick and the pus just kept trying to come out, she was stinking worse, and even though she moved around more and I got her to eat more, it just didn't seem to be enough against everything else.:hit
It really would be best to become more agressive in cleaning out the wounds even though she does not like it, using an antibiotic, and start some tube feeding, or think about putting her down. Treating her with plantain may not be enough. She has wounds that most of us would have trouble dealing with, not to mention the possible loss of her eye and tongue. It is really a lot for you to handle alone.
Her eye like fell out, but her tongue seemed to be fine, the very tip of it was a bit dry but the rest was okay, which somewhat surprised me. And it was a lot to handle, and would have been in the future, but if my animals call, then I'm on duty. And if for some reason I couldn't be, well enough for them, I would find a place that could be.
I just want to put my two cents in here and say ... there are probably a lot of opinions on this matter as to what the OP "ought" to do. But that is not the purpose of this thread. She did not ask our opinions on whether to put her bird down or not. She specifically asked how to deal with the inflammation, and I think we should stick to that topic.

OP, you have taken on a difficult task and I commend you for that. I wish you and your bird a good outcome.
I agree with you, there sure are. Thank you!:love
:goodpost:Only you know your hen,only you can decide what course of action to take.:flStill hoping for a good outcome.
Thank you. And yes, she might have been able to make it, she was strong and a sure fighter, especially for making it that long. But it wasn't fair of me to push her through that much trauma and pain. And even though I would have taken on the challenge, it would have been hard on both of us. Of course, worse on her though. This was a hard decision, but I think it was for the best. What really helped her was that she was a heavy bird so she didn't lose weight as fast, so she didn't go downhill as steeply as other birds would have, but she held through it longer too. I really wish it ended differently, that it panned out differently or didn't happen at all, but it did and we just have to learn from it and move on, without forgetting.
I so greatly appreciate every single one of you who helped, or comforted me and Amber. I am sorry to say that we decided to put her out of her misery, but I can't say that we didn't try. We took the chance, and I pushed her through what I knew she could handle, but why make her take it? I wanted her to live a good, happy, and pain-free life, even if it wasn't exactly normal. And I wish there was a better outcome. But coming from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for coming together and spending your time helping us and putting us in your thoughts, I wish there was a better outcome of all of this, but I wanted to thank you all so much!
@Texas Kiki @Eggcessive @slordaz @glassdragonfly @BigBlueHen53 @Willowspirit @coach723 @CatWhisperer @Kusanar @Tycine1 @blackandtan @micstrachan @Eggscaping @Tesumph @Cwimbish @doublecrossranch @Cryss @Villainess @Wyorp Rock
Thank you again everyone:love:hugs
I so greatly appreciate every single one of you who helped, or comforted me and Amber. I am sorry to say that we decided to put her out of her misery, but I can't say that we didn't try. We took the chance, and I pushed her through what I knew she could handle, but why make her take it? I wanted her to live a good, happy, and pain-free life, even if it wasn't exactly normal. And I wish there was a better outcome. But coming from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for coming together and spending your time helping us and putting us in your thoughts, I wish there was a better outcome of all of this, but I wanted to thank you all so much!
@Texas Kiki @Eggcessive @slordaz @glassdragonfly @BigBlueHen53 @Willowspirit @coach723 @CatWhisperer @Kusanar @Tycine1 @blackandtan @micstrachan @Eggscaping @Tesumph @Cwimbish @doublecrossranch @Cryss @Villainess @Wyorp Rock
Thank you again everyone:love:hugs
I think you did the right thing.

I am sorry.

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