My hen can’t walk!


The Golden Egg5

5 Years
Nov 5, 2016
Boone, North Carolina
My hen, Einstein, cant walk.
About 3 weeks ago, I norlticed she was sleeping in a nesting box instead of the roost. I would pick her up and put her on the roost, but she would immediately just fall to the ground. I was very confused. The next day I watched her and she seemed 100% normal. She was walking around and scratching like normal. I assumed she was just being stubborn and wanted to stay in the nest box. I tried again to get her on the roost, but it failed. After that I just let her have her way.
It’s been going downhill from there. A couple days ago she was lying down to eat and she started sleeping on the floor. I moved her to a nesting box because it is warmer in there, and I started giving her nutridrench every night.
Tonight, she was out in the run because she couldn’t climb the ramp, and this morning, I noticed her laying down while the others were scratching about.
I brought her inside and I put a bowl of moistened chick feed and she gobbled it down. I then cooked her an egg and she ate the whole thing. She’s a bantam- so that’s a TON of food. Do y’all think she was getting bullied away from the food? I hope it isn’t anything serious.
Weight loss tends to accompany a weak wobbly bird. It is hard to guess unfortunately what could be wrong with her. A vet may be able to help.

Another possibility is Mareks. Hopefully someone else will have a better idea or advice than me. When I have a bird that is losing weight it generally doesn't end well, and I suspect something internal.
If she's showing interest in food, then it might be a bullying issue. I had a bantam that was bullied like that. I made her a little cage in the coop that she could slip in and out of but was too small for the others to get into. She would come out to eat and do whatever in the coop and then run back in when she needed to get away from the others.
Can you post some pictures?
I don’t have the money to pay for a vet right now, so I don’t think that is an option. I really hope it isn’t anything that can’t be fixed! I have some tylan injectable, do you think that is worth a try? Or would it do more harm than good?
I just added 3 baby chicks to their coop, so could that have something to do with it? They were 9 weeks old when introduced and I got them as day olds.

This is her in her little quarantine area in the basement.
The way she's sitting looks a little unusual. Can she move her toes and legs at all, or are they completely limp? Her interest in food is a really good sign. If she were failing right now, she probably wouldn't be eating.
She can move them, and she can kind of walk on them, but not if she doesn’t have to.
I had a hen that stopped walking like that, but she was ancient. Maybe she just lost enough muscle in her legs to make walking difficult. Make sure she keeps walking, even if she doesn't want to. She'll need to exercise to get any muscle back.
I hope that her not walking is just the cause of not eating. The only experience I have with chickens just wanting to sit all the time is with really old hens.

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