Do you have a RalphieDux yet?

I think you need one, he might save your life someday. That’s what Ralphies do.
:lau :lau :lau I cannot quit laughing! I cannot catch my breath! This is absolutely hilarious! But, I am sorry..........

.........that you have another drake. And you have to know it. There is no reason they would have needed to add an extra duckling, none! Warmth wasn’t needed and twelve was surely enough to send to one person, so why thirteen (other than it’s my lucky number)? Oh, I know why, they had an extra drake to get rid of!

And to answer your question of whether or not my sweet little Latte had a leg band on. Why no, there was no leg band! They snuck that little corkscrew in on me just like they snuck that one in on you!:lau I’m sorry! I told you I could not stop laughing!

Now @HalfWayUpAMountain and I must put our powers together again to spread the cheer of the unwanted drake!:lau
Not so fast! - There is still hope: For now everybody in that kiddie pool is peeping. I just chatted with Meyer Hatchery and they wrote me: »We typically band all sexed goslings but only male ducklings.« - So that means if none of the ducklings has a leg band they should all be females. (?)
Rats! Where is the fast forward button when you need it! In about 3-4 weeks we will know if there's another Ralphie Drake…
Yes, I’ve put water in with mine at night too, along with a night light! :lau :lau
My ducks have access to food and water 24x7 and 365 days per year - minus the few nights when their waterer has frozen solid.
And they are happy with it!
In the middle of the night Blanca wakes up, steps over Katharina, Limpy and Erpelchen, walks to the feeder, grabs a bite and another bite and one last bite, walks over to the waterer, drinks a pint, walks back to the bedroom, steps over Erpelchen, Limpy and Katharina and goes back to sleep.
And light: They had a night light but are now happy with the d2d lights shining into their house. Ducks seem to be almost blind when it is dark, which is really bad when one of them has a nightmare and freaks out.
If i forget to fill up their waterer, and they run out overnight the neighbors wake up at 5:30 in the morning…
I started to add to the end of my post that I can call him precious because he’s not terrorizing me!

My ducks have found if they wait underneath the security light in the evening all the good bugs appear. So I’ve been having trouble some nights getting them rounded up. I will go ahead and lock my chickens up, but wait another 30-45 minutes for the ducks to make it to their lot. They’ll either already be in their house or partying in the pool!
It never ceases to amaze me how clever ducks are !
Can I have some pics pls !
Penny the Frankenduck with Piper, the WH that @Magnolia Ducks gave us.Below is Charlie and I think Jack, below that is Thr Runner Rouen drake and last but not least are the parents.

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