My New Chickens I got From a Friend.

The roo reminds me of Barney Fife!! Dunno why, just the look in his eye?? Your buff silkie is pretty, maybe Marilyn, or something sweet, like Maple?
I can't decide which name I lkie better ... MO or SPUD! LOL
I love your Silkies!! I have just got two new girls and the kids have named them "Fuzzy" and "Duzzy"

I guess I need to explain we're in England, and a Fuzzy Duzzy is an affectionate name for someone who is nice but dim.

This is Fuzzy

And the black one is Duzzy. (they are in the walkway, wandering up to free range)

They get these names because they are beautiful, sweet, lovely, but tend to not be very smart (my two, not chooks in general!!)

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I kind of like Maple ...

How about Mrs. Maple.

I like MO for the roo, and Mrs. Maple is cute- hadnt thought to add a Mrs! Quite fitting as she does have a Mr.!!!
I think MO really fits the WSR ( White Silkie Roo ) and the Buff Silkie hen ... I really like Peaches. I'll just have to steal my friends name! LOL
Any name suggestions for the BO hen?

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