My Pean Hen of 6 yrs. this morning is not well...

You can order meds from too. Try triple antibiotic ointment, or terramycin eye ointment, also found at feed stores, for her eyes. Wash them first with warm saline, or eyewash for people you can get at the drugstore, and do it twice a day. Whatever she has isn't necessarily contagious; lots of conditions can affect their eyes. I mean idk about peas, but it's true for chickens. Just watch her carefully cause it could be ILT too, it's that time of year..birds are migrating. I hope not. Good luck.

I don't want to panic or upset you but this does sound like the start of a respiratory infection. I would quarantine the hen ASAP. There are about 6 of them and can have many similiar symptoms. Most are VERY contagious and if the birds survive they will become carriers. Look through some of my posts, we have been dealing with laryngotracheitis in our flock and the birds do wheeze and the eyes swell up. Have you introduced any new birds? Been to another poultry farm or to a poultry swap? These germs (some are viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma) easily travel on your clothes, your hair, even in your nostrils, and also your vehicle tires. We are pretty sure we brought the virus home from birds we bought at a swap.

I would try the Tylan 50 0.5 cc(or ml) under the skin at the back of the neck, once a day for 5-7 days. Southern States does usually have it. Most folks suggest that it is better than into the muscle/breast. Just watch the needle when you inject there, it is easy to go through the skin out the other side and not get it into the bird. The antibiotic might not work, but it might help you until you figure out what is going on. If a bird dies, keep it refrigerated and get it to the State vet. There is one in Warrenton, VA. Are you in Northern VA? They will test and examine it for free and then you can get a REAL answer on what you are dealing with and not just a guess from folks. Good luck!
Ok...Thanks so much. I will go outside and quarantine her now. I live in King William, VA. which is about 30 minutes outside of Richmond, and about 15 minutes from Tappahannock.. I did not know there was a vet in Warrenton. I really am glad to know that. I tried responding to my PM's today, but for some reason my system is saying...error..
There is a vaccine you can use for ILT where they do NOT become carriers. We consulted with Peter Brown at first state vet supply and he advised us, this was several years ago. The vaccine was beneficial in saving most of our flock, was an eyedrop that was easy to use, and the surviving birds were (and are) not carriers. (and btw I am not trying to advertise for him here but he is the only one I know that knows the type of vaccine to use, and carries it) We have incorporated several new birds into our flock since then, as well as several hatches of chicks, and the flock has remained healthy with no recurrence. However, I agree that CRD and ILT, among others, is extremely contagious and it is important to take measures to isolate the sick birds. In addition, you should do everything possible to decontaminate everything you can. For large areas, Oxine works best. It is extremely powerful and a little goes a long way. You can mix it with water and use it as a spray, you do not need to follow the instructions on the bottle for commercial decontamination. With Oxine you can even spray the birds themselves with the oxine/ water mixture, and put a few drops in their drinking water to decontaminate the water, too. If it is ILT you will know b/c it is fatal, the birds die quickly. If your hen dies you should get a necropsy within twenty four hours of death if you can, so that you will know what you're dealing with. CRD is not usually fatal but it can be chronic. ILT is not a mandatory cull here, but it is in some states. When our flock had it we were under quarantine by the State, but that turned out to be very useful b/c the State vets were a wealth of information for us, and very kind and cooperative, too.

That being said, remember that your hen may also have something that is curable. Sometimes these cases are isolated and clear up without incident. The most important thing is to treat quickly, don't waste any time. And disinfect as much as possible. Make sure she eats, whatever she likes. If you have her on antibiotics you know you can't eat her eggs for at least three weeks after treatment is done.
chicknmania: I am still learning about these things and I was under the impression that even after vaccination the birds that had gotten the full blown virulent form of the disease would still be carriers. This is why our current management plan is to vaccinate all our new chicks at 4 weeks and again for a booster later before being added to the exising/recovered flock. We also were working with Peter Brown on this issue. That's awesome news that you have been able to add birds and have not had others get sick. Did you vaccinate them? Always good to learn something new.

D'Angelo: The VA Dept of agriculture phone number in Warrenton is (540) 347-6385. There may be an extension closer to where you live, but this is a place you can start. Hopefully your little peahen starts feeling better and you will never need it. How is she looking this afternoon?
One eye is still closed, but she is up and drinking and that's a good sign. My computer has been acting up but I'll try and see if I can post some pictures... Thanks for asking and for the phone number. I'll keep it handy.
I think eating and drinking is a very positive sign. When mine had ILT and were really sick they wouldn't eat anything. Not even scrambled eggs or other snacks. Some didn't get near as sick as the others who died. Funny how some recovered after just a little sneezing and cough, and others seemed to drop dead 2 days after I even knew they were sick. I guess some just have a better immune system. I hope she gets better quick.
Thanks. I hope so too...she is such a sweet and pretty hen. I am actually planning on going to get her a mate this spring.

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