My Rooster


6 Years
Jul 20, 2013
anybody know how to keep your rooster from biting you when you pick him up? My brother and I have been spending more time with him so he could get used to us (since the hens already are) and we have made some progress. For one, the only time he bit me since we've started "training" him was accidental because I had a worm in my hand. He lets us pet him but sometimes he runs at us or does this weird thing with his wing to be all mr. tough guy. Anyhow, we show him who's boss by staying where we are and calming him down by cooing him. Also, we always say the same thing before we give them food so he gets use to us. I think it's pretty good progress, but I've raised him since he was a chick. I love him, and I don't want him being mean to his owners (us). So PLEASE help!



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