My stress is through the roof

I told him to turn the heat lamp on before he goes, he is really skeptical about dipping their beaks and I sure am not asking the 5 yr old lmao. Quick question, I have nutri-drench and hydro-hen, poultry vitamin on hand. What should I put in their water?
He could actually skip the dipping and you can check when you get home that they are drinking. I actually just use brown sugar in my water for a few days. I'm old school.
Give the man a small bit of credit. ;) He's obviously not an imbecile, since you trust him to keep your child alive while you're at work. He may not do things exactly the way you do them, but he'll manage. I wouldn't ask the PO to hold them until you get off work. The sooner those babies are home, unpacked and have access to water, the better. Hang in there, it'll be fine. (Coming from someone who has also had to trust DH to take care of chicks for me when I've had to work. He managed just fine, and yours will, too.)
Thank you! I know he is capable lol.
Very true, they said they have been through this before. I have one question, what should I put in their water? I have nutri-drench, hydro-hen and poultry vitamins.
I have gotten electrolytes from the feed store and added it. I have also given them sugar water (I don't remember the proportions) and I have given them plain water. They've all been fine no matter which one I've used.
He could actually skip the dipping and you can check when you get home that they are drinking. I actually just use brown sugar in my water for a few days. I'm old school.
Ok, should I have him at least dip their beak in the nutri-drench syringe, not squeeze it just dip it. I have never done this and heard that's a good boost?
Ok, should I have him at least dip their beak in the nutri-drench syringe, not squeeze it just dip it. I have never done this and heard that's a good boost?
No syringe, I just hold a chick and tip them forward so their beak goes in the water. They will drink on their own after that initial dip usually.

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