My turn to rant... food bank food

wow 1932 ! It is true allot of food will last a long time past there expiration dates. They put expiration dates on things like Pickles so you will throw them away and go by new. Also candy has expiration dates but it has been know to last up to 10 yrs with no ill effects if you eat it. It just depends on what it is.
I just want to say, I know first hand that canned food can make you VERY sick!!!! I was out shopping with my mother a year or so ago. We have a really cool overstock type store at a merchandising factory I love to shop. We saw cans of dark kidney beans (one of my all time fave foods) and both of us bought a few cans. These weren't expired either. I opened a can, rinsed them and ate them cold. (yeah, I'm strange). Within a few hours I thought I was gonna die. Imagine the worst stomach virus you have ever had times like 100. Called Mom and said get rid of them. She refused insisting it had to be something else. She made chili with hers. Everyone who ate it became seriously ill. It literally took months to recover. I am kinda strange about canned food now.
This thread has really made me feel bad about my grandmother(long passed). My grandfather worked for the railroad during the depression. My grandmother would take the leftovers from the day before wrap them in newspaper, box them, and granddad gave them to the hobos that hung around the railroad.

My god I am shocked day old leftovers and wrapped in newspaper no less, how degrading to those bums. What is even worse if a road bound hobo knocked on the door and asked for food she would feed them and have them do a small chore on the farm for payment. That is so disgusting to treat hobos like that. I am so glad y'all pointed it out to me, because my mom had me convinced she was a generous and loving woman.

Seriously folks most food is wasted if thrown away and most times still good. Of course rotten food should not be donated, but a person can and has got sick from food in date. By some people's idea I should not donate my eggs to a shelter because they do not have a sell by date, I am not licensed, and not inspected.

On the note of the caddys I have seen obviously well off people dumpster diving. If you can't afford food you can't afford a brand new car or truck, and I do mean brand new not a couple years old. Have even seen them with the dealers sticker still in the window.
you would be shocked at how much day old bakery we throw away every day at walmart!
we used to donate to the food pantry but we had an uppity bakery manager who decided it was not company policy and stopped it.
I have been in a position to need peoples' generosity on a couple of occasions in my life. In the last couple of years, I started a new career after my divorce. I hung on for dear life in the financial department for a few years, with it getting a little better recently.

I have one lovely colleague at work who always worries about whether I am eating. At Passover, she used to donate to the local food bank anything she couldn't have in the house for religious reasons. Then, it occurred to her that she had friends who were struggling and could benefit directly. I became one of the recipients of her pantry clean-out. It allowed me to open my previously empty cupboard, and feel a wealth of food choices. There were open boxes of crackers, half pounds of spaghetti, and a few slightly out of date cans. However, I ate them all, and felt so grateful that she thought of me. I never got sick. I never found bugs.

When I got my chickens, and started having extra eggs, I gave them to people who were struggling financially, but also to my Passover friend. When she looked surprised, I told her, because you filled my cupboard when it was empty, and it meant the world.

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