My wife got me ducklings!!

Sorry to hear that two died, but at least you have two healthy ones. (Maybe your wife can contact the seller to send out more ducklings or give you a gift certificate for more later on).
I plan to have them send me out two more (if they will). Ideally, they'd be all females because I don't want more cuteness popping up this spring!! hahaha!!
you were talking about the chickens you don't want to introduce the ducklings to your chickens till they are quite a bit bigger.
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That sounds like a plan! Merry Christmas....
Pine shavings, or aspen, or anything other than cedar shavings. They're more absorbent than hay, anyway. A big bale of it at a feed store is pretty cheap, will last a LONG time! It is compressed into the bale and will expand to fill a HUGE space, so you only need about a shoe box full, smashed. Then dump it into your brooder.

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