Mystery Goslings from the Murray McMurray Fancy Goose Package


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
So, I got 10 adorable goslings from Murray McMurray aka the "Fancy Goose Package". I am 99% sure that there are 4 Brown Chinese. Then there are 4 Ginormous tufted ones - 3 of which are yellow with gray and 1 of which is all yellow. Then, there are 2 "medium" sized that have similar coloring to the huge ones (yellow w/ gray), but they are NOT tufted.
Here is the description from Murray McMurray --
"Our choice of a minimum of 3 varieties from the following: Brown Chinese, Pilgrim, Buff, Roman Tufted, Tufted Buff, Super African, and Large Dewlap Toulouse."

To add to the confusion, the shipping sheet that came with them did NOT list Tufted Burr, Super African, or Large Dewlap Toulouse; however, it DID list Tufted Toulouse. I called Murray McMurray to try to clarify what the possibilities were, and the woman had no idea, but thought the website might be out of date. I don't think they are toulouse, because their beaks are light. Originally, I thought the "mediums" were also tufted and were tufted Romans and that the "Huge" were tufted buffs. However, the medium 2 are NOT tufted, so maybe they are Pilgrims and the huge ones are Tufted Buffs. Are Buffs really that huge? I would say the medium ducklings were twice as large as the Brown Chinese and the Huge ones were 3 times as big - at least.

Okay, I cannot figure out how to paste a picture here, but you can see them here -

Thanks for your help!
They are cute. Though i dont know anything about ducks

Alll you do it click Img On the top (right next to the U and Quote) and then put the Image Location in Between:
So You Click it
and then you add this ->
The ones with a dark bill are chinese, unless africans was an option?

Buffs would be yellow and greyish, with a reddish tint to the gray.

Pilgrim females and males both have yellow and grey down as babies, but the females are much darker than the males.

I've not seen roman goslings, but I know embdens (a totally white bird) and male pilgrims (also a totally white bird) do have some grey down on them as babies. With embdens, usually the females have grey and the males are bright yellow. I'm not sure how it works with romans, but I would think the tufted ones are these.

As for size, buffs, romans, and pilgrims are all about the same size. If some of the black-billed ones are a lot bigger than the other black-billed ones, I'd say the bigger ones are africans and the smaller are chinese.

Hope this helps at least a little
I am 99% sure that all 4 with the dark beaks are Brown Chinese, and I THINK there are 2 ganders and 2 geese, which are a little smaller and darker now. I should have mentioned that they are about 2 weeks old - they shipped on April 6, and I received them on the 8th. They are full of beans -- ESPECIALLY the little Brown Chinese -- one of the little ganders started fighting with the other ones -- biting them on the neck :0 I wasn't ready for all of that so soon! I was worried that my 14 ducklings, who are now just over a month old would be mean to them -- since they love to chase my month old chicks. But, no, those little goslings had the ducklings -- who are at least 3 times their size -- running screaming around the yard. So, I am thinking I DEFINITELY have a few (or more) ganders. I am thinking I will try to figure out the gender issue this week, so that I can order some more to have an even number of boys and girls -- although I am sure hell will still break loose come breeding time. But, darn it, they are so cute and really have such personality. The ducklings just treat me like Godzilla, although they surprised me by going into their sleeping quarters on their own -- instead of my trying to herd them or catch and carry them. They actually go in at dusk. My laying hen chicks on the other hand -- drag it out as long as possible. Go figure.

I am thinking the medium ones are Pilgrims, and the huge ones are Tufted Buffs. But, if Buffs and Pilgrims are the same size and tufted Toulouse have dark beaks, then I am baffled. What's huge, tufted, and has a light colored beak? Of course it doesn't really matter what they are, because they're mine and I love them : )
I have pictures of tufted romans and they look just like a couple of yours, but there are Embdens (sp) that look just like romans, anyway, you could look at my pics, just put in my name in the search... jennifer

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