Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Good find Kev. I was just discussing this with Alohachickens in the Aloha thread.

Is that hen really mottled? She looks kind if like a buff barred to me in the picture.

I'd sure like to have her and really find out if it is. Would totally put me a head in my Aloha Naked Necks.

Good call- did not even think to consider possibility of barring... looked at the pictures full size then zoomed in.. I'd think it really is mottling as it seems the white is consistently at the feather tips only, plus some feathers on top of the head are solid white. That 'white head' seems to be a trait in some mottleds but doesn't seem to happen in barreds.

The first hen could be good for Aloha project- possible mottled carrier if she is related to that one plus she has a pretty good clear and light colored body.
That second one especially seems mottled to me. The first hen I think is more barred then mottled, but like Kev says could carry for sure. I have mottling in my line but so far only shows rarely and is not red / white but black / white. Mine have a lot of other stuff you probably wouldn't want in your aloha lines.

My mottled hen looked barred for a long time growing up.
Good call- did not even think to consider possibility of barring...   looked at the pictures full size then zoomed in..  I'd think it really is mottling as it seems the white is consistently at the feather tips only, plus some feathers on top of the head are solid white. That 'white head' seems to be a trait in some mottleds but doesn't seem to happen in barreds.

The first hen could be good for Aloha project- possible mottled carrier if she is related to that one plus she has a pretty good clear and light colored body.

I don't have tge zoom ability I guess because I tried to do that but it wouldn't work. I think it is just sometimes the picture whether it works or not.

As I said things look different to me when I see it live rather than pictures. So yes it probably is mottling. Just wondered at the possibility.

That second one especially seems mottled to me.  The first hen I think is more barred then mottled, but like Kev says could carry for sure.  I have mottling in my line but so far only shows rarely and is not red / white but black / white.  Mine have a lot of other stuff you probably wouldn't want in your aloha lines.

My mottled hen looked barred for a long time growing up.

I've seen mottling and barring together. It can be pretty if mingled just right. I think I remember the hen that you are referring too. She looked almost barred when younger but the mottling started coming in when she started getting the adult feathers.

This little fella is a silkie, turken, old english game bantam.
His dad is a turken/silkie mix and his mom is pure old english game bantam.
Hello, My name is Edna and I'm a naked neck addict.

I've been lurking for over a year now, and just joined so I could participate in this thread. My friends and family think I'm nuts to love these "ugly" birds. Last year I ordered a batch of "all heavies" from McMurray's. I ended up with two nn and just fell in love from the first. I've kept one as my rooster. This spring I found four nn chicks at the feed store. They are now about 12 weeks old. I started out with EE that I hatched myself from a friend's eggs. Now, I have their eggs in the incubator and they're supposed to hatch tomorrow. I can't wait to see what they look like.

I've really been having fun looking through this thread and seeing all the pictures. Anyone want to show me your nns?
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Hello, My name is Edna and I'm a naked neck addict.

I've been lurking for over a year now, and just joined so I could participate in this thread. My friends and family think I'm nuts to love these "ugly" birds. Last year I ordered a batch of "all heavies" from McMurray's. I ended up with two nn and just fell in love from the first. I've kept one as my rooster. This spring I found four nn chicks at the feed store. They are now about 12 weeks old. I started out with EE that I hatched myself from a friend's eggs. Now, I have their eggs in the incubator and they're supposed to hatch tomorrow. I can't wait to see what they look like.

I've really been having fun looking through this thread and seeing all the pictures. Anyone want to show me your nns?

Welcome Edna...and good luck with the hatch. Perhaps it's your friends and family who are nuts....not being able to recognize the real beauty and marked utility in these remarkable birds...

Welcome Edna...and good luck with the hatch. Perhaps it's your friends and family who are nuts....not being able to recognize the real beauty and marked utility in these remarkable birds...


I second this! Now that I've experience the joy of the NN I find them to be absolutely beautiful. I have several breeds of chickens but my NNs are my favorites.
Exactly! My NNs have the kindest eye. When you look into their eyes you can see that they are more intelligent than the others. Mine are so calm and sweet. Due to Marek's being at my place, I don't handle the babies as much as I would like. The ten week old pullets are still friendly and follow me around the yard. The six week olds have just started their "training" in the house since their immune systems should be well developed now. The three girls came out on the couch for the first time last night. There was no fuss whatsoever. They just sat down and took a little nap.

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