Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I know that this is an old post.But was hoping to see if you could post some adult pics if available. I did end up getting some bantam turkens from Dunlap hatchery and few years back but ended up selling them before they reached breeding age. In 2017 I have decided to add bantam turkens from Dunlap hatchery. My plans are to add the frizzle gene to them through frizzle serama bred to old english game bantams and hopefully breed them down smaller.Thanks
I do still have most of the original bantams and have made another purchase since that time. I have a hen in this second group who goes broody and raises chicks every summer. She is solid black and is really beautiful. I'm still very happy with my Dunlap Turkens and would think they would make a great addition to your breeding program. They are small and adding the frizzle gene will be amazing! I'll try to get some current pictures but the weather is nasty here.
Thanks! My mom was like No!!
I told her she could knit them sweaters for their necks in the winter

One night I accidentally locked my naked necks out of their coop (have to kick 'em out when I clean it, they enthusiastically try to "help" and get in the way) it was down near 0 degrees during the night, they were perfectly fine in the morning, went right into their coop and laid their eggs, so they need no additional heat despite the naked neck, I have also had naked necks in over 120 degree heat and it was no problem at all for them, as long as they have water available. Also, they are a large bird but don't seem to eat as much as the other large breeds do. This is also the only breed I've noted to be easy to herd where you need them, or to follow me around dog-like. They consistently lay when all my other breeds stop for the winter, and they seek attention. If I could get blue, green and chocolate colored eggs from them, I'd never keep any other breed.
I do still have most of the original bantams and have made another purchase since that time. I have a hen in this second group who goes broody and raises chicks every summer. She is solid black and is really beautiful. I'm still very happy with my Dunlap Turkens and would think they would make a great addition to your breeding program. They are small and adding the frizzle gene will be amazing! I'll try to get some current pictures but the weather is nasty here. 
Thanks so much looking forward to seeing them.
These pics belongs to a friend of mine from Alabama. I have gotten permission from him to share them.Most all will be from a showgirl male X white broiler hen several years ago.He is now on 5th generation. He gets both silkie and non silkie feathered birds,naked neck and non naked neck. He says that they still have the fast growth rate.So get ready for a picture overload.I am on a phone and can only post one pic at a time.

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