New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

Well, today Bash was extra energetic, actually running and chasing his hens, diving into the special food I brought out for them. When I went to clean the roosts and under them, I saw zero green poop! I can't find where he pooped at all so either he didn't poop or his poop is normalizing. It was not watery yesterday, just green still. Today, nothing green on the roost where he's been sleeping. Now, he could be dead on the floor in the morning, you never know.

I remember many years back, my Poufy Head Sisters came from an unauthorized breeding of an elderly rooster that my friend Kate didn't think was fertile or even mated hens anymore. Surprise! He created a bunch of babies with her Barred Rocks, then went belly up.
I just got a chance to watch your video. Sounds like she was happy right to the end.
She was definitely Neela right to the end. I did notice, looking back, that she had even less patience with Maddie and Jane than usual that last day and the day before she passed. I even had said, "Neela, wow" once when she was particularly mean and grabbed one that came near her. But, I'm thankful that she was not technically ill and going down over a long period, not like some have. And she savd me from having to make that decision for her, bless her heart. Alice is a little more clingy than normal right now and talking to me more. It looks weird to see only one blue girl in there.
How is Bash this morning?
Thanks for asking, Colt. He seems much better. He had a good day yesterday, but went to roost completely tired out. No more green poop, which is a great sign, but since we are not 100% positive what the cause is/was, he could drop suddenly. If it's heart failure, that certainly could be the case, but right now, he's feeling much, much better.
I decided to follow this as I’m new to Brahmas.I don’t have darks but if I come across any I would like to get some,I have lights and Buffs.Their so amazing.2 pullets And 2 cockerels.Their personality’s defiantly are of what the breed is expected.The pullets are a bit timid whilst he males have no problem getting in my lap or letting me touch them.The buff cock is small.I sexed them based off their faces and coloring,the feathering was soemthing I wasn’t sure about but seems to be true,the males still aren’t fully feathered while the females are, even at 5 1/2 weeks.
They're getting big! I'm not sure if this holds true for all brahma varieties, but a breeder of light brahmas said she was able to sex them by how fast they got their feathers - males feathered slowly and females feathered quickly. This held true for mine and I was able to sex them that way. It might work for yours too.

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