New pics of my Delaware Blue Hen roosters!

You almost made me choke!!
Aww!!They are so pretty! My granddaughters, growing up so fast

The 2nd girl looks a lot like my Auntie Sophie, just a little lighter in the face!

I want a splash girl

Here is Auntie Sophie, maybe she is her mother???

Ok, I was just looking at all the pics...

Ranchie, if you could send me your black girl


SillyStunt, if you could send me your splash girl

I would be complete!! I guess there is always spring time,
for some girls of every color!
Eggs coming this winter Bec, clean out that bator. Say, early spring?

Thanks Opa- I think.....

The splash roo in your face is one I hatched, and has been rehomed. The one behind is still here, he's from the UD batch of the 13 Demons on the Highway. He and Angus are pals.

I only have the one black hen Bec- not a chance!
She and Mr. Splash are a duo!
Well you know what that paired up will get you???
Maybe I will get another little black girl, rip Blackie
Possible that she may even be Blackie's granddaughter!
I shall name her Blackie jr! OR..a black roo! It would be neat to have a roo of every color, you better send lots of girls up here!

Yes, early spring, I will have it up and ready to go! I can't wait!! Isn't it funny how the roos buddy up sometimes? Rexie and golden Boy are best buds.
Well, since the original blue hens weren't any specific breed and it was said to have happened that way, there are no "original" blue hens. The university is working on a strain of chickens as close as possible to the one said to be back then. They have used several different game breeds years ago to achieve the strain birds that we have now. They are now working to get them as a recognized breed.

Edited for bad spelling
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