New pics post 1 * broody has 100% hatch on 3/24!

Woohooo cute babies! Who are the roosters with the green egg layers? Keep posting pics as they grow.

I've got a silkie who went broody on me, and I gave her 13 silkie and blue cochin eggs. They're due April 7 or 8. I hope she has the same hatch luck that Coachie did! Congratulations! I love broody hens. Better than incubators any day...
jossanne - I actually got the eggs from a friend that I gave chicks to last spring after incubating. All blue or green egg EE's. She kept 1 Roo and a bunch of hens. 3 weeks ago I asked her if she could get me 6 eggs for Coachie to hatch. Coachie had been sitting on the nest for a couple of days already. After moving her to the little tractor and putting the eggs under her, she did not get off of them for at least 4 days. It was quite cold so maybe she knew it would only be a moment before they would chill. This morning I checked on her and did not see anything. This afternoon at about 5pm I went out and heard babies peeping. I looked in and there she was with 2 babies. I was on my way out to get my DD at school so really did not have time to look around. When we got home I lifted her a little and looked and there were 2 light chipmunk and 3 black totally dry. Looked some more and there was 1 more light one under her still wet. Best hatch in a bator I ever had was around 80%. Getting more eggs hopefully tomorrow through the mail but no more broodies. Darn! Bator here we come.

Can your Silkie fit all those eggs under her? It's getting quite warm where you are now. That should help. Good luck!
Yeah, she's got them all covered. They're all bantam eggs, so that helps. I promised a friend babies, and gave her the choice of bantams or large fowl, and she wanted bantams. So the chicks are going to her, but I'm going to keep one if there's a splash pullet. I've been dying for a splash, and the only ones I've had were cockerels. DH has banned me from any more roosters, darn it.

I hope you've got a few pullets in there. YAY for green egg layers! Have fun!
My Cochin that went broody was a very good setter and has been a very good mother hen if the most laid back one
my other hen was over the top and PJ is just taking it all in stride, she meanders the barn with her chick and they check stuff out. When she was broody I did not let her sit the eggs she was stealing from the other hens but replaced them with the Brabanter eggs. Had to hatch but one died the next day. This hen even will offer a warm wing to other hens chicks if they want to snuggle.

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