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Can you hear any peeping or see the eggs move? I find myself making chirping noises and trying to talk to them. My dog gets upset because I'm baby talking to a box! I locked down yesterday and hope to see pips by Wed.
Can you hear any peeping or see the eggs move? I find myself making chirping noises and trying to talk to them. My dog gets upset because I'm baby talking to a box! I locked down yesterday and hope to see pips by Wed.
I play you tube videos of baby chicks peeping by the bator for my It really motivates them especially if the have pipped internally or externally. lol
Great idea! I think they sometimes need a little encouragement to push out. then the other ones want to know what they are missing out on. Kind of like when a chick will grab ahold of a good tidbit and run around alerting all the others that shes got something good!
Great idea! I think they sometimes need a little encouragement to push out. then the other ones want to know what they are missing out on. Kind of like when a chick will grab ahold of a good tidbit and run around alerting all the others that shes got something good!
LOL. Yes. When they've externally pip and you play it you can see their little beaks go to work in between cheeping back at

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