No Direct Correlation Between Fried Food and Heart Disease


8 Years
Jan 16, 2012
One year fried food is bad and the next year fried food is fine. I guess we can keep eating fried foods this year.

"A new study has found that there is no direct correlation between the amount of fried food people eat and their risk of heart disease. Instead, the research found that long-term heart risk depended more on what kind of oil was used in the cooking process — olive oil and sunflower oil are considered the healthiest."
We use olive oil a lot for frying and deep frying. Its smoke point is one of the highest, making it a great choice for frying and deep frying temps. Wish we could use it every time for deep frying but it's not always in the budget in those amounts.
Mediterranean cultures have used olive oil for cooking and "sauteeing" (frying!) for thousands of years, and if I recall correctly, medical and sociological research has show that they have low levels of heart disease with a diet rich in olive oil, whole grains, seafood, and lots of fresh fruits and veggies, even though there is also a lot of cheese and other foods known for cholesterol and saturated fat.

I think that the main unhealthy thing about frying is not the act of frying in and of itself, but of using lard and beef tallow (animal fats contain cholesterol, while plant fats do not) as the frying agent instead of olive oil, sunflower seed oil, or other monosaturated or polyunsaturated oils.
I am SO craving fried mozz and some deep fried buffalo wings now,.... :lol:
Aint funny, i AM! :hit

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