North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Ya, it was her. She was light, but not that underweight. I just integrated her back with the flock less than a week ago. It has to be stress related or something... Very sad
That is very sad. At least with recessive white you can use most any blue, black, or splash bird to make more.
That is very sad. At least with recessive white you can use most any blue, black, or splash bird to make more. 

Good to know, but I have 1 more white Ameraucana hen, thankfully. I plan on hatching a bunch for myself to keep here soon. I can't afford to lose any more, whites or buffs. I have just enough to get started.
Good to know, but I have 1 more white Ameraucana hen, thankfully. I plan on hatching a bunch for myself to keep here soon. I can't afford to lose any more, whites or buffs. I have just enough to get started.
I'll have a few extras I'm sure. you can put a BBS male over your white female, and put BBS hens under your white male. All babies will hatch out BBS but be split for white. Next time you wanna chat or we get together I can help you set up a plan to increase your whites and their genetic diversity. Depending on the sex of my Splashes I may even be able to get you on the path to white Silkied Ameraucanas.
I'll have a few extras I'm sure. you can put a BBS male over your white female, and put BBS hens under your white male. All babies will hatch out BBS but be split for white. Next time you wanna chat or we get together I can help you set up a plan to increase your whites and their genetic diversity. Depending on the sex of my Splashes I may even be able to get you on the path to white Silkied Ameraucanas.

Thank you! That would be wonderful!
Thank you! That would be wonderful!
No problem.

Side note: does anyone want free EE hatching eggs? My little Blueberry is laying and I want to check her fertility but I'm banned from incubation for the year.

I'll give whoever wants them the eggs she lays from now until you can get them, I travel to Hayden/CDA this Friday.

Babes would lay blue to minty green eggs as mom is homozygous blue and dad is a heterozygous blue OE
No problem.

Side note: does anyone want free EE hatching eggs? My little Blueberry is laying and I want to check her fertility but I'm banned from incubation for the year.

I'll give whoever wants them the eggs she lays from now until you can get them, I travel to Hayden/CDA this Friday.

Babes would lay blue to minty green eggs as mom is homozygous blue and dad is a heterozygous blue OE

I am not sure that last part was english, but why not. I go to Spokane almost daily: Broadway and I-90 area. Would you like the chickies back if any hatch? I'd be happy to be your incubator
I am not sure that last part was english, but why not. I go to Spokane almost daily: Broadway and I-90 area. Would you like the chickies back if any hatch? I'd be happy to be your incubator
There is the slightest possibility that my deceased roo bred her before he passed, so if a chick comes out splash/silkied I will want that one. Otherwise you incubate them you can keep them. I live close to the Spokane Arena wanna come over for coffee or something?

Homozygous means it has two of the same(homo) copies of a gene in this case the blue shell color gene, written out it would be (O/O)
Heterozygous means it has two different (hetero) copies of a gene in this case a copy of blue and a copy of white. Written out it would be (O/o)
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I just lost Gen 1, she was not yet 1, and a "Greyslyn."

she is the daughter of my avatar.
She was not molting, she lost feathers from being mated and picked on, but she still was laying her eggs.
she fell into a water bucket, that she could stand in, the water was not high, but cold. when she could not get out she froze. I forgot I used to keep a rock in the bucket, for just such an emergency.

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