North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Meet "Lola" I named her that because of the song by "The Kinks" because I don't know if it is a rooster or not, but I am hoping for a hen.

the chick that just hatched came from the small egg shell she has her foot on.the egg above her with the blue dot near it is a gray egg. the other eggs are in or just starting to get in their air cells.
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Meet "Lola" I named her that because of the song by "The Kinks" because I don't know if it is a rooster or not, but I am hoping for a hen. the chick that just hatched came from the small egg shell she has her foot on.the egg above her with the blue dot near it is a gray egg. the other eggs are in or just starting to get in their air cells.
Hello Lola
@gimmie birdies that clutch of chicks from your eggs has 3 for sure f rizzles, but one that is not for sure, i don't think is smooth feathers, but not as obvious as the other ones. Nothing obvious as boy/girl yet. Their momma had been taking them on field trips yesterday. Out in the grass hunting bugs. Was so cute
Here is an up date on LOLa and friends...the second blue egg hatched, the gray egg with the blue dot and the little green has peeping chicks, the big dark brown may be a quitter...

Lola fluffed up and in the brooder

below is the second blue hatched chick

Fire dragon,I am not surprised you got some frizzles, frizzles come out 50/50 frizzled.

Hey ugly foot, the GLW ended up being a male. I had him in with bantam friends but he started to act like a big fish in a small pond. I moved the bantams somewhere else Then put him with the big chickens. I think he likes to be included with the big birds.
Ugly foot, Don't feel bad about eating that greyslyn roo, we can get you more eggs and you may end up with an even better roo and greyslyn hens. I have a greyslyn egg that should hatch today. I really only have one greyslyn left currently, but I do have some related to the grey...Firedragon has some related to the grey- and some are frizzled, we will find out if their eggs will be grey..

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They like the mirror.

The gray chick just hatched from the gray egg, her name is "Greyzelda" (frizzle, cochin, and possibly isbar) the middle one is "Joelene" and "Lola"are Leghorn/EE/frizzle and isbars.
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Hi everyone. I am the seldom sern Scrambles from Hayden/CdA area. My crippled Ameraucana went broody and i was wondering if any of you will have young chicks (2) to sell me. Raising chicks is the only thing that she has in life and she is a great Momma Hen. Oh.... i wont need them until two weeks from now.

Rumples loves being a mom.

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