November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Ok, I just had a HUGE DUUUUUH moment. I am working with a homemade foam cooler incubator. I was doing some MORE reading on the internet before I pick up my eggs, just making sure I'm prepared as I can be. As I'm reading it dawned on me, I have ZERO ventilation in my bator. ZERO. I'm guessing this is a VERY bad thing. So do I cut small holes around the bottom (maybe 2 ) and one in the top? Keep the pieces so I can plug them as needed and for lockdown, right? I feel like such a dummy right now. I really don't know how I overlooked this and it likely cost me my last hatch.
I have one at either end of my styrofoam cooler, about nickle size, 3 " from bottom. Just high enough nothing will block them. I also have a larger one on top. Thats the one I block when I raise the humidity. I have never blocked the bottom ones. I'm not sure what your incubator looks like but I liked mine much better afer I bought a super cheapo picture frame from the dollar store and used the glass to make a window in the cooler. It's about 6" x 10". I put mine on the top but now I'm thinking maybe it would have been more fun to watch from the front side.
I have one at either end of my styrofoam cooler, about nickle size, 3 " from bottom. Just high enough nothing will block them. I also have a larger one on top. Thats the one I block when I raise the humidity. I have never blocked the bottom ones. I'm not sure what your incubator looks like but I liked mine much better afer I bought a super cheapo picture frame from the dollar store and used the glass to make a window in the cooler. It's about 6" x 10". I put mine on the top but now I'm thinking maybe it would have been more fun to watch from the front side.
My hubby cut a piece of glass and placed it in the front side. LOVE it. Thanks for the advice. That's what I will do. I don't have a fan in mine, do you? I was considering picking up a small desk fan to put in there. I'm kicking myself because I saw some on clearance very cheap the other day but thought "Why would I need these??" again....DUH. LOL I'm sure they are sold out now, but I am going to check anyway!
First hatch is done with 7 Living chicks.  I know our humidity was an issue and having the eggs horizontal.  Hubby made a new brooder out of a cabinet we picked up at the Habitat store.  Looks awesome and is working awesome.  Very very stable temps and humidity.  I'll post pictures soon!  

We are on the hunt for fertile eggs this weekend and if we can find some to buy saturday we will have a new set going!  :)

Did thor hatch?
WOW! He changed a LOT. At first I thought those were all different chickens! lol He is beautiful! Hope I end up with one or two!!
I'm with you on the surprises! I'm so excited because I have NO clue what kind of chicks or mixes of chicks I am getting. It will be fun to watch and see how they turn out. I just hope that they hatch for me this time. I got my new thermometer/hygrometer and I am actually stopping and buying ANOTHER one today so I can be certain they are correct. That will make 3! LOL Also got 3 new candling lights, so this hatch should be MUCH smoother!
Here's what my frist 8 looked like as babies and what they grew up to be.

My hubby cut a piece of glass and placed it in the front side. LOVE it. Thanks for the advice. That's what I will do. I don't have a fan in mine, do you? I was considering picking up a small desk fan to put in there. I'm kicking myself because I saw some on clearance very cheap the other day but thought "Why would I need these??" again....DUH. LOL I'm sure they are sold out now, but I am going to check anyway!

I buy 120V computer fans on ebay.
A baby was born last night. Unfortunately they were squished :( We don't know if it was our hen or if the baby was malformed, but not all of its insides were on the insides...
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Just coming in on this thread i have 10 Buckeye xbufforphingtons Buckeye x new Hampshire reds and Buckeye x rirs..i am on day 19 impatient my humidity won't come up in my bator my first hatch with this flock..

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