November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

you can try to candle and see if it's in the air cell but at 22 days don't give up on it...

I candles all my 4 eggs (#2-#5) and one had the Blood Ring... :( which was number 4. Number 2 was developed but not moving which was the one that should have hatched today. At what point do I give up? Day 25 is what I have heard.
we hatched eggs last year, a lot of them came after 22 days, one was 28 days and now doing great a black peep took to her and acted like her mom to this day they are always together, I have had not luck with the candle thing, we have hatched 24 peep in my dinning room

Ok, incubator trouble. SO I have never really trusted my thermometer/hygrometer. When I set up my new ones, my humidity and temp are NOT holding where I want them to be. My old thermometer days 100 and my new one says 104!!! Apparently I cooked my last eggs! Also my humidity is at 38%. Is that ok for the beginning of the hatch?? I can't seem to get my temp DOWN and my humidity UP.
I want these eggs set but certainly don't want to do it if the bator isn't ready. Advice on how to fix it?? I have tried adding more water reservoirs, adding a wet wash cloth, covering some of my vent holes (some totally, others partially.) But I figure covering them will just RAISE my temp even further!! HELP! Before my head explodes!!! LOL
I set my thermometers on top of the thermostat in my house and check them agaist that, then I put them outside and check the local temp. Then I check it against Check your batteries. I bought cheap batteries and the voltage was too high, cause my temps to read too high. Also you can check the humidity buy putting damp salt in a ziplock bag with the probe or hygrometer for 8 hours. It should read 75%. I use a soda bottle cap. I fill it almost to the top and add enough water to dampen the salt but not more. Almost like a paste.
I set my thermometers on top of the thermostat in my house and check them agaist that, then I put them outside and check the local temp. Then I check it against Check your batteries. I bought cheap batteries and the voltage was too high, cause my temps to read too high. Also you can check the humidity buy putting damp salt in a ziplock bag with the probe or hygrometer for 8 hours. It should read 75%. I use a soda bottle cap. I fill it almost to the top and add enough water to dampen the salt but not more. Almost like a paste.
Thanks for the ideas. I am going to try the temp checks because I really think my thermometers are all crazy. One isn't working at all. One is reading about 90 and the other is reading 106-108! Finally got humidity stabilized with wet paper towels (Thanks for that idea...) Hopefully that will give me an idea of how far off they are. The bator feels cooler to where NEAR 108. Tried sticking an oral thermometer (digital type) in there but it read low...meaning temp too low to measure but not sure that would work anyway...
Thanks for the ideas. I am going to try the temp checks because I really think my thermometers are all crazy. One isn't working at all. One is reading about 90 and the other is reading 106-108! Finally got humidity stabilized with wet paper towels (Thanks for that idea...) Hopefully that will give me an idea of how far off they are. The bator feels cooler to where NEAR 108. Tried sticking an oral thermometer (digital type) in there but it read low...meaning temp too low to measure but not sure that would work anyway...
You can put an oral themometer in a glass of water in the incubator. It takes awhile for the water in the glass to reach the temp in the incubator.

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