Nurture Right 360 Incubator Okay?

Can someone buy me this incubator for Christmas? I always wanted it because I always thought it looked soo cool...... but I can't stand the fact that it doesn't do .1 increments but only does .5 increments when adjusting temp? You would think when it comes to incubating eggs and how small of a margin temps can affect eggs, that they will understand that much and in my mind is already a given if ever someone wanted to design and sell incubators. I mean, to my knowledge all digital thermostat does changes in .1 increments, even Chinese incubators! Just very odd way of doing it, that really bugs me about it and a HUGE deal breaker to me. I do hope they can make the temp setting changes in .1 increment for any new incubators that they produced from now on!
If u wur a goot boi meybee santa will suprize u.:gig

Pretty sure even my Brinseas only do 0.2 increments.
Any Idea on the increments broodys utilize.:idunno:gig:oops:
I do, this model had it come with. But I reset and still dont see any auto turning. The light is on and the "test" works but it just doesnt move by itself
I do, this model had it come with. But I reset and still dont see any auto turning. The light is on and the "test" works but it just doesnt move by itself

Did you check the day count after the reset? It counts down, so it knows when to stop turning. It won’t turn on days 3,2,1,0.
I hatched out of this kind of incubator for the first time this month, with the chicks arriving a couple days ago! I got 15 chicks out of 22 eggs. One chick has a small foot deformity I'm inclined to blame on the auto-turner not flipping that egg...but then again, 14 chicks hatched out perfectly. I aim for a 70% hatch rate, and am satisfied with how it's performed. Keep a little more water than the instructions recommend, mine ran a little dry for what the gauge said.

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