October Hatching ... How many are in? I'm due to hatch on 10/17

Well, the two silkie eggs didn't make it.
I feel like this guy here---->
Yesterday was only day 21, but something didn't feel right to me. This gut feeling....Anyway, I finally decided to open them up last night, and I was right----they were dead. One of them had actually pipped the inner membrane, but that's as far as it got. It was fully formed--yolk sack absorbed. The other was also fully formed, but had not absorbed the yolk sack, and of course never pipped at all. So disappointed!

On a brighter note, all my mutts hatched. And all but 7 of my quail hatched. I have the 5 chicks with the quail right now. They are all getting along great. Here are pics:




Oh, and pnut------I keep a small cage on my porch, with two lights in it, and I keep it covered to keep out drafts. That's where I put my hatchlings the very day they hatch out. I keep them there for at least a week, usually two, and then move them to my large brooder. It's really all about making sure they stay warm, and keeping the drafts out. I don't have to use heat lamps until late into winter. Right now I am using two hanging lights with deflector shields and 60 watt bulbs in them. Also, I use hamster water bottles, instead of the ones that sit on the floor of the cage. That way they don't get their litter all wet. I've lost more chicks in the past to wet litter than I care to think about. They learn very quickly about the water bottle. After I put them in, I wait til they settle in, and then I gently squeeze the bottle, they hear the noise and come to check it out....and voila!!! water....works great, less mess, too.
DAY 24.... 6 BLW and 1 Silkie/Cochin cross still alive. I have now lost 3 babies...2 silkie/cochin crosses and 1 BLW. All three I helped out during hatching. I have two more pipped right now. Tomorrow is the give up day. Update more later...
2 that pipped have hatched out...both BLW
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i got two babies so far and i think more are working their way out of their eggs:) i put the two that already hatched in a 55gallon aquarium(no water in it lol only in their feeder) and i put some red lights in there. i had some white ones in but i went to canadian tire and got these so i'm trying to regulate the temp atm.
they are so cute! i will post pictures later when they arent so sleepy. thanks for the advice lesalynn i'm so new to this
:loveCongratulations everyone! what a bunch of adorable babies!!!

I am officially in Locdown.. I think this hatch will be early and good!
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Welp, Had 2 BCM's and 5 Blue X BCM hatch.
Up next is 6 (3 that look like will hatch, but i'm not giving up hope) tomorrow, and 14 (9) Araucana's on Thursday. After that I'm done til I get back from SD on Nov 6th..... then we will see what surprises I get

tomorrow is lockdown for my 15 marans, marans crosses. i spent this evening getting the brooder box made so i'll be ready for them. the littlest one from my hatch last week is doing well and i think i'll put her in with the new hatches were they wont run over her so much. she has been in an ice cream bucket that i cut one side out of and covered with hardwire so she could see the other hatchlings but couldnt get run over by them while she gained strength. now she is climbing into the food dish and chirping loudly at the others. but the others are just to big for her to go mingle with right now. i cant believe how big they have gotten in just 1 week! they are in with my one serama chick that hatched out about 4 weeks ago and all are about the same size, only the serama has more feathers.

What is that in the black pan? chick starter?

Yea, ground chick starter. I grind it so it's easier for them to eat and thats what they eat for the first week.

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