Odd female duck sound - normal?


May 24, 2022
Central Texas
Today my 6 month old Silver Appleyard 'Rose' started making a strange sound, like a small dog bark or yip.

Can't find anything wrong with her would this be a normal sound to not worry about?
She was acting normally when i heard it they were under the deck but they've been in the pool on and off all. They are now back in the pool/ running around chasing bugs
Watching her for a while, shes following the other ducks and looks normal but she doesn't seem to be actually looking for bugs like the others. Just following them around and chirping/hiccuping.
I'm filling the big horse trough up and going to put them in there so she can drink as much as she wants if it's choking
She is interested in the water just not food/ bugs (it seems)
Usually when one of mine does this she will keep moving her head like she is trying to get whatever is stuck down. Eventually, she does once she starts drinking water. My chickens will do it too. You might want to gently run your hand down her neck just to make sure you can feel anything.
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Usually when one of mine does this she will keep moving her head like she is trying to get whatever is stuck down. Eventually, she does once she starts drinking water. My chickens will do it too. You might want to gently run your hand down her neck just to make sure you can't feel anything.
Looks like she's sneezing. I've been through this with two of my ducks. Could be a respiratory infection or a parasite. Mine have had both, and this squeaky sneeezy thing was involved every time. I hope this helps!

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