Office Work.......

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Aw c'mon, you want a pretty photo of my kidney stone scar from 1980 something? You'll want one too once you see how stunningly white and straight it is. (The surgeon was so happy he got to operate on a skinny kidney stone patient.)

New sig line for someone:
Ask Buffy to show you her scar!

The recent one where you were wearing that retro style dress.

Post 6573, but she's making fists so you can't really tell how big her hands are.

DH says his lady VA doctor has big hands, and that it makes for an uncomfortable proctology exam. He said this at the dinner table as DD was taking a sip of milk, just to watch milk come out of her nose.

Hey, it's pretty. (um....perhaps I've been in psychopathic denial all these years in a vain attempt to not gross myself out.)

Hey PC, what brings you out of the woodwork, besides having another Real Man on the thread at the moment?
I'm about to get soundly bashed in another thread. I admitted to killing babies. (chicks, that is)
I don't know enough non-showing bantam fans to give my culls to, and I don't want irresponsible breeding anyway. I've seen too many pq folks that cross-bred indiscriminantly and then had to find homes for the youngsters. I don't need bad genes being carried on that way.
I hereby Soundly Bash Wegot for killing tiny whiddle bitty babies who only want to live and carry on bad genes like every other living creature (mostly humans!).
Dacs, I should tell you that the church music director asked me to play the Franck 'Panis Angelicus' again with the same soprano and choir. That was a week ago. I still haven't called him back to say no. How do I explain that I can't take the choir? I'm such a wienie.
I hereby Soundly Bash Wegot for killing tiny whiddle bitty babies who only want to live and carry on bad genes like every other living creature (mostly humans!).

Thanks Buffy, but you don't bash with quite the venom that I expect the thread will draw later.
It is NOT an easy thing to do. And I won't let DH do it for me. If I can't be a responsible breeder in every way then I need to find an easier hobby, like the billions of beads I have sitting in a large box from when I used to make jewelry. DH would love it if I went back ti making jewelry. Cuddle a bracelet is just NOT the same, but you also can restring a faulty bracelet without feeling like a murderer....
That's the beauty of it, we are like frogs that go down deep in the mud when the vernal pool dries up, then when rain (i.e. one of us) comes back, we emerge, although slightly dopier than before due to mud-inhalation.
Or just be like my sister and DH's daughter - give me handmade beaded bracelets and then read e-mails from me about how my fat wrists broke the things and do they want all thousand beads back to try again.
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