Office Work.......

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SOME people can't help it - SOME people spend a good part of their week cleaning said thrones. Mr. Hole-Near-The-Threatened-Species.

That's beause I worked real hard to make it happen. Spae bar seems to be doing OK but the key is acting up too. Y

Oh dear!

This day may be looking up. One of the truck drivers left a french silk pie in the fridge just for me!
Going for margaritas in 3 hours and 20 minutes. My day has substantially improved already.

Chinese buffet for lunch was nice.

Teeth hurt today. I want to just have them all pulled and start again.

3 hours and 19 minutes
Been having dental problems for a couple months. My dental insurance is the 3 root canals and crowns I need are just put off indefinitely. Who has $1200 out of pocket per tooth these days? x 3 and it is entirely possible there is something else going on causing the pain as well.

I was fine and dandy until I had a filling replaced.......been in horrible pain ever since. Long story. I am living on advil these days.
That's a tragic waste of Bubble Yum. Tell me it wasn't original flavor, or I'll cry. I go through AT LEAST one pack of Original Bubble Yum a week. In a day if its a bad day.

I bought 3lbs 6ozs of chocolate yesterday from the Halloween aisle. As soon as I give away all the nasty Reeces Pieces I should be happily stocked with kitkats, hershy bars, whoppers and milk duds for at least a week. Mini ones, so opening them counts as exercise towards the related calories.

Beaner, sorry your teeth hurt. I'm ignoring mine.
No frizzled d'uccles here, but here is a cochin.


I actually had to post a thread in the breed/gender section on that bird last night. I feel like such a newbie. But really.....for a 6 month old bird that is not laying or crowing....what the heck is it?

General consensus is girl. My other frizzled cochin the same age is definitely a hen and has a much smaller comb. My non-frizzled roosters have much bigger combs and have been acting like BOYS for months. Don't have any definite frizzle roosters to go by.

Also, give me the reeses pieces! they will go well with my impending doom, I mean diet.

Did you decided if you were going to the chicken sale tomorrow? Me and Frankie should be there bright and early with a load of bantam cochins.
I don't know if it's a hen or a roo but it looks like a feather pillow turned inside out. Or possibly a feather stole with built in stink eye.

Sorry 'bout your teeth, ladies. We have dental insurance and still have to use CareCredit for the big stuff. At least that way we don't pay interest.
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