Office Work.......

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I don't know yet. Depends on how I'm feeling and if it looks like rain. I won't bother if the weather looks yuck.
I haven't really decided what I want to sell, either. There are a couple of old MF hens, but if they lay then I can still breed to them. Tempting...

I plan to hold onto any bird of value that I could sell at the Ohio Nationals. And that includes 95% of my current stock.
So I may be better off holding on to what I currently have.
Weather is clear although it will be 38 degrees at the asscrack of dawn, aka what time I will need to be there. Sigh.

If I were you I would skip it. And just go ahead and mail me the reeses pieces then. Thanks!
You gotta admit that my little freeloader is cuuuuuuuuuuuuute.

I don't mind frizzled cochins. It's actually natural for them. But I feel really sorry for frizzled d'Uccles. If they have decent foot feather, then the feathers will be twice as prone to breakage due to curling. I had a d'Uccle once that had foot feathers that grew the wrong way and it was really sad. I put her down when I realized she was breaking blood feathers and would always be weak and in pain

Posted pics of 2 trios to sell at the OH nationals to a pre-bidder through pm's. If s/he passes, then I will post it on the actual auction page. I am excited. I want the GN's sold ASAP. They are spastic and drive me batty. As posted earlier, we already have a batty. Therefor, I need these birds SOLD!
I will always be a wegot, much to DH's dismay....
I love frizzles!

I have a bunch of standard frizzled EE hens. This one is molting now, so she looks absolutely pitiful right now, but this is when she was pretty:

Mother and daughter:

This one should be an olive egger when she grows up:
I like Frizzles too

I do worry about them in the cold weather a bit though....maybe I shouldn't worry? We'll see how they act, I guess.

I took both frizzles to the last sale as part of pairs.....someone walking by said "look at that dirty ol frizzle".


Poor degrading.....LOL....he made it sound so mean and hateful.

Mean and hateful is MY THING, jerk.

I have these 2 frizzle cochins (1 black, 1 white) which I think I will keep now. But that is it! I would like a frizzle silver laced cochin. That would be neat looking.
Oh my gosh, I just looked at the past dozen postings and wanted to reply about them all, but you guys are just too wickedly cute, witty, descriptive and imaginative for me to address every one. Curses to you all. (whoops, I mean to say "blessings"!)

Pardon me while I take stuff out of the dryer.
Good idea, Lori

I don't know what possessed me to take the frizzles to the last sale. I am keeping them both now, ha ha. Need to come up with some girls to "sacrific" to sell boys though. SIIIIIIIIGH.
I kind of like that my standard frizzles have naked legs.

Hope your GN's sell

It's looking good. She's talking to her DH about it.

I think $40 is fair for a laying trio of young birds that got BB BV at the last ABA sanctioned show, don't you?
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